Chapter Three (Hogwarts Squad)

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---Time skip brought to you by Saltyshima---

Hinata's POV

Yay! This is the day of the camp :D I'm so excited I get to see my friends again from different schools. I gather my bags with my clothes for a week and my wand in case of emergency.

"Shoyo breakfast is ready! Move faster you're gonna be late!" My mom said downstairs

"Coming!" I shouted back before carrying my bags and go to the kitchen. The food is already serve in the table so I just sit down and eat

"Shoyo please refrain from using magic okay? You behave there you know muggles aren't suppose to know our existence" Mom said

"Yes Mom, I promise I'll behave besides Sugamama, Kiyo-neechan, Kita-niisan and Aone-niisan is there too even Kira and Yama so don't worry Mom." I said

"Okay, okay, I'll check on you to Takeda every once in a while okay? Behave, love you sweetie. I got to go. Anyway I'll stay at our manor with your sister now so when your training camp ends go straight there okay?" Mom

"Yes Mom. Love you too and tell Natsu I miss and love her too" i said then she already left after I ate I clean the dishes and get my bags to go to school but I wanna see Kira and Yams. Aha I have an idea

MagicVolley Squads 🔮✨🦁🐍🦅🦡

SunshineSnake🌞🐍: Good morning!!! 😃😃

SugaMom💆: Morning sweetie ❤️🥰

AoneWall🧱: Morning Shoyo

INeedSleep😴: Sho it's too early for this, but Good morning 😊😴

CinnamonBerry🍓: Morning Sho and @/INeedSleep you still can't resist him lmao 😂

INeedSleep😴: ^Shut it

GoddessKiyo😍❤️: Morning guys

KitaFox🦊: who changed our user names? Anyways Morning

SunshineSnake🌞🐍: Me! I changed our names hihi 😊😊

KitaFox🦊: I see anyway Shoyo just a reminder no using of wands and magic understand?

SunshineSnake🌞🐍: Yes Kita-niisan, anyways Kira and Yams wanna go to the camp together?

CinnamonBerry🍓: Shoyo I don't wanna apparate again, it's making me dizzy

INeedSleep😴: Since when did Shoyo knows how to apparate? That's a high level spell

KitaFox🦊: Shoyo what did you do?

SunshineSnake🌞🐍: I may or may not have sneak into the restricted section again hehe 👉👈

KitaFox🦊 , AoneWall🧱, and INeedSleep😴: You what?!

SugaMom💆: And he practiced all the basic spells without letting us know

SunshineSnake 🌞🐍: Mom don't snitch me like that

SugaMom 💆: Sorry not sorry

KitaFox🦊: Shoyo we will definitely have a talk when we get there

SunshineSnake 🌞🐍: Yes Kita-niisan, anyways I'm gonna fetch you Kira and Yamssss see you in a bit 😂😂

SunshineSnake 🌞🐍 is offline.

CinnamonBerry 🍓: No wait shoyooo I don't wanna, Akira do something! 😫😖

INeedSleep 😴: Naah I'm going back to sleep just wake me up when you both get here 😴😴

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