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After Marc's date, he went home, got comfortable and headed straight to Sage's. He made his way to the elevator, pressed the 6 button, and got off on the right floor. He headed down the hallway where Sage's slightly decorated door stood (the apartment complex told her to take down a few of the other decorations she had since they were a "safety hazard.") he knocked on the door and waited. On the other side he could already hear John laughing, Sage opened up the door and let him in. He took a quick glance around the apartment, and saw that nothing was out of place. The usual.

When Marc greeted John he was surprised with bruises and scratches all over Johns poor face. Shocked and concerned over his friend, Marc asked the simple but complex question, "What happened to you?" Seeing that John was already prepared for that question based upon the face he made, Marc sat down. As John explained what happened to him, Marc grew increasingly upset at the situation, he let John finish his story nonetheless. "But you didn't even do anything!" Marc finished angrily, John stood up with a passion and shouted excitedly, "That's what I said!" Sage looked at the two men and shook her head laughing. "Sage, can you believe this? Trust me when I see that guy I'm gonna f-" Marc's mouth was covered by Sage's hand. "You're not doing anything like that to anybody, the best thing we can do is just walk away and let that guy deal with his problems somewhere else." Marc licked her hand in which she yelled and wiped it on his face. John was the one to laugh and shake his head.

After a bit of messing around and chatter, Marc gathered everyone to the living room. He cleared his throat, "I have an announcement to make," he began, John butt in, "As if you didn't make that clear already." Sage laughed at his sarcasm. Marc rolled his eyes and continued, "I have procured something that I'm sure will make both of your guys' days." Sage tilted her head and asked, "What is it?" Marc smiled and pulled out three tickets, "Were going to be seeing a wonderful concert, performed by a small mixture of different artists." Marc explained in an oddly calm tone. Sage screamed in happiness and went up to hug Marc, and John smiled excitedly, "When is it?" He asked Marc. "It's in a month from now exactly, and it starts at 7:30 PM, so get there early if you want good seats." After arranging some plans, Sage told the group that she would drive straight to the concert since she would be working late that day instead of meeting up like the duo had planned. "Sweet, now all we need to do is go shopping for things to wear and a couple of dance moves." Marc joked, that's when John remembered, he had bought all of that music to share with Sage.

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