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     Days went by and John hadn't opened to edit his essay ever since he met Sage. John kept himself busy with work, usually Sage would slip a note or two under his door to invite him over for cookies, or whatever they had made that day. Nothing had been different today, John looked at the clock on the wall and it was around the time they would knock on his door and slip a note. They knocked, and John bolted towards the door, the note had nothing on it. 'It's blank' he thought to himself.

     Confused, John left his dark apartment and headed towards Sage's. He knocked on their door, but as soon as he applied pressure the door creaked open. "Hello?" He called out, looking around. "I'm in here!" Sage responded loudly from her bedroom. John walked to where Sage had been, she'd done groceries and was putting things away in her room. On her bed lay sprawled out; medicine, clothes, toiletries, makeup, and unsurprisingly flower seeds. "I couldn't help but buying this dress, I saw it on sale." They said from behind him, John turned around and saw Sage admiring themselves from their bright yellow mirror. The dress they wore was knee length, yellow, and had small daisies all over it, "What do you think? I like how it covers my shoulders." Sage said twirling around and messing with the skirt. John laughed and nodded, "It looks good, the color fits your personality perfectly." He said, getting up from their bed, "Question?" He said, "Answer." They responded in a sarcastic tone. "What are your pronouns?" He asked, "Oh...well I go by she/her usually but I don't mind anything else." John nodded understandingly, "What are yours?" "He/them" and she nodded.

     After the pair left her room, Sage held something behind her back and asked John to close his eyes. He did so by covering his eyes with his hands, making sure not to peek, hence ruining the surprise."I know it hasn't been that long since I met you, but I went to this crafting store today and I just couldn't help but think of you when I saw this, I thought it was the cutest thing ever. And do you want to kn-" John laughed and cut her off, "You're rambling again." Sage stopped talking and led him to a seat on her couch, he kept his eyes closed as he heard her rummaging through the plastic bags. "Alrighty here," he felt the couch cushion sink as she kneeled on it, "You can open your eyes now!" John took his hands away from his face and saw that she was smiling in front of him, he looked around and saw her holding a mini canvas, a tiny paint pallet,a rather large vase, and a packet of seeds. "Ta-daaa!" She laughed, she handed John the tiny canvas and paints first, "Isn't it so cute," she began "I saw it and I knew." John smiled down at it, then knew what he was going to do with it.

     John wasn't an artist, he wasn't one to doodle during class, or take up doing pottery, or doing anything creative at all. So the fact that he lied, and said that 'painting' was his hobby, was the dumbest thing he could've ever done. All he did for a living was write articles about random things he was commissioned for and does college online. Since his prices were relatively low, he had a bunch of articles to write about different things. Doing so gave him no time to socialize with anyone since he had to be home for school. The few friends he had, haven't spoken to him in over four months, and his family had given up trying to invite him to special events. Every time they would, either school or work would be there to hold him back. He knew that Sage would probably get bored of him and do the same.

     Sage handed the next gift to him, "Sage, I don't have anything to give to you in return." John said, Sage dismissed that statement with a wave of her hand, "I don't need anything in return," she handed him the packet of seeds, "Carnations? Sage I have no idea how to grow flowers!" John said taking the pot, "Well you start by getting some dirt and putting it into a vase." Sage laughed, John rolled his eyes, "Very funny." Sage shrugged, "Well I figure you're good at doing a little bit of research." John looked down at her, the height difference becoming evident between the two, "There's a flower shop downtown that can help beginners, if you can grow a flower, I'll paint a decent painting, just for you." John sighed, and offered his hand to make a deal. "Fine."


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