31 | Jellyfish

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'Hey Pepper you looks amazing', he smiles and takes my hand. Together we walk to his car.
Yep. It's a date time. When I told Hayley, she was laughing because we still hadn't been on a single date.


That's not how it works for kieran and I. No he is not the guy that does romantic shit. Typical guys who write poems and songs and perform it to their lover. Typical guys who are cocky and flirt all around and typical stupid guys like Ben. Nothing compared to them.

It's Kieran we are talking about. The person who takes pranks too far. Plays the bass and listens to Boring stuff. And the adorable brown haired freak who is so outgoing and funny.
Definitely not a romantic dinner person.

I wouldn't be surprised if we went to Hungry Jacks or Subway for our first date.

'Close your eyes', he says and starts the car.

'Alright', I say and slide in the front seat, closing my eyes after I buckle the seatbelt.

It's a pretty long drive. Maybe hours. We finally get to our destination and that's when I hear it. Kieran opens the door for me and I feel his hair brush against my knees. It sends tingles though my leg and I crave for it. He then grabs my heels and pulls them off.

'Dude!', I exclaim.

'Wait for it', he says, a hint of excitement through his tone and he grabs my hips and carries me. I hear the door close and he drops me to my feet.

'Wow!', I scream as something touches my foot.


Then I picture it, the salty breeze kiss my cheek and I am left, excited to open my eyes.

'Open them!', Kieran says and I do.
I am immidietly greeted to his face up close and I shriek, walking backwards but he catches me.
The beach surrounds us and there is barely anyone here. It's gorgeous.

My mood goes down as I wish I had packed some bikinis. But sensing my thought, he hands me a bag.

'KIERAN BRIGHT!', I smile as i lift out a pair of hot bikinis.

'Your so smart', I kiss him and hop back into the car with him.

I turn away and quickly undress myself and put on the bikinis. No secret glances from him.
'Thanks cutie', I smile and grab his hand and run into the water.

After a while of playing, we get out of the water and he brings me to a pier with our clothes.

I hold my favourite dress and don't change into it because I don't want to ruin it and I giggle as I step next to the mini boat.

'Oh wow Kieran! It's so, the water is glowing!', I exclaim.

A blue glowing haze spreads amongst the willowing waters. Yes it's jelly fish. But it's so pretty. How could something so beautiful be so dark and poisonous inside? They can hurt you and sting you.

'Its the glowing jellyfish. This was my favorite part and it happens yearly', he whispers and motions for the boat.

I step in and as soon as I do, the boat is toppling side to side. It's really scary and what if I fall in the water and the jellyfish sting me. It is going to be scary because there is thousands in here on the surface, all glowing. I wouldn't want someone to piss on me if I get stung.


Fixing my bikini bra, I sit down and Kieran moves the oars of the boat.

Who knows what is in the depths of the water. It looks seriously deep. Kieran opens a packet of snakes, my favorite. Then one accidently falls in the water. It's a blue one, my favorite.

'Hey Kieran, what if they sting you', I say and point to the jelly fish.

'Only if you fall in and trust me, I have fallen in before when I was here with my parents. Trust me, the stings hurt but I survived', he smiles and bites a lolly.

Thanks for making me even more scared.

Melodramatic much?

I scream as I am pushed into the water. I close my eyes and wait for the pain but I can't feel the wispy jelly jellyfish around me.


'I'm kidding', he says and jumps in too. We swim for a bit until I get parsnoid of sharks and we go back on the boat.

I dry myself with his towel and put my dress on.

'Wow this date is beautiful', I say and fix up my flower crown.
'And fun!'.

Today I'm wearing a gold colored empire waisted dress with a sweetheart neckline across my chest.

The scene is so beautiful, then Kieran stops in the middle of nowhere and places the oars down. I freak out because I am been so much in my own world admiring the beauty and Kieran that we are in the middle of nowhere. You can see the pier from all across the distance but the glowing is making the horizon hazy.

Plus it's night and we are surrounded with scary but harmless jelly fish. Kieran seems to sense my mood and he rests him palm on mine.

That makes all the worries go away and into the vast ocean.

'Can I keep one!', I say and gesture to the jellyfish.

'Dude', Kieran laughs and kisses me. His hands travel up my dress and into my bikini bra.

He smiles and soon his hand reaches down my bottom and he grabs my ass. Hey!', I say because the boat has tilted and water nearly went in it.

'Woops', he laughs.

And so for the whole night, we spend time floating above the glowing electric blue ocean.

Not to mention that Kieran brought some subs from subway.

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