13 | Close Call

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It's Monday. And Mondays suck.

I get up from my bed and get changed. Lazily, I walk down stairs and eat cereal. Last night I slept sooo good. After all those other days I had spent slept in the flat sleeping bag.

'Omg! We hit more than 10,000 views on youtube already!', squeals Hayley.

'Already!', I exclaim.

Wow that escalated quickly.

'Show me the comments', I say and take Hayley's iPhone.


The blonde haired girl that fell was a fail.

What a hit.




About more than two hundred comments are already posted. This is incredible!

'That is so awesome! We could be famous', I say. Just then the bell rings.

'See you in art', I say and head off to first period.

Just as I was heading to class I see Kieran.

'Hey', I say as I see him walking toward his class.

'Oh hey Pepper. You feeling better', he exclaims.

'Yeah, have no headache anymore'.

'Did you see how many hits we got on youtube', I ask.

'Yeah, Ethan showed me this morning. We hit ten thousand views, that awesome', he says and pumps his fist in the air.

'Anyways Pepper, I'm really sorry I hit you hard. And how's your arm?', he asks.

'Oh don't worry, if it wasn't for that then we wouldn't have as much views. And yeah the stings are a bit itchy but it's pretty fine', I say.

'Where are you heading?'.

'D block', I reply.

'Okay I'm at E block. See you later Chili Pepper', he winks and walks toward the other building.

The wink. Oh gosh. It makes me gooey inside like a marshmallow.

'Bye', I say and head left to music class.

Music is so boring, I have theory and boring lame 80's music stuff.
Next I have food technology and I'm glad I don't have theory. I really only like baking sweets.

'Today we are making sunflower seed, almonds and berry muffins', days the teacher.


It's sweet and savory.

I make my way to my kitchen and grab multiple ingredients from the recipe book. That's when I catch a glimpse of a familiar face.

'Oh hey Ethan! What are you doing in food tech. Aren't you a year older in a another grade?', I ask.

'Oh hi Pepper, haven't really noticed you much', he says.

That's cos I'm always in the shadows.

'I moved in about a week ago. Um we'll because, I suck at cooking. I don't even know why they let boys do it. I was moved a level down cos I started a food fight with a boy in my class', he nervously says.

'Well do you want me to help you? I have baked heaps of muffins and cupcakes before', I ask.

Yeah like that time you baked like fifty lemon muffins because you felt like it.

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