#3 * Athena X Artemis

Start from the beginning

Usually she'd wear her ceremonial outfit and she looked tidy and cleaned up. Like she had her life together and she was in charge.

But right here underneath the light of the moon in a hunting tunic, strands of hair peaking from her usually so perfect hair, peaking from her long braid, sweaty from running after the prey. That's where in the moon goddess' opinion she looked the most beautiful.

It just was a completely different aura. On Olympus she seemed stuck in a routine of politeness and perfection. Out here she could let go and let out the extra energy she undoubtedly had as a war goddess.

It might be strategic war, but it was still war. Artemis figured a battlefield to Athena was the same as the woods for her. Just being there gave them an adrenaline rush and made their senses sharpen. It was there all their training came to use and it was there they could let their spirit free.

The goddess of the hunt jumped when she felt a hand on her back. It had jolted her brutally from her thought process. As if she'd been struck by Zeus' lightning.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Athena apologized.

"It's okay. I was just thinking." She said with a sheepish smile.

"About what? Your scowl towards the fire tells me it troubles you." The wisdom goddess said, placing down the wood she found.

She just had to be so clever didn't she? Of course she knew the feelings Artemis had towards her own thoughts.

"It's nothing really." The moon goddess said, taking a piece of wood and throwing it into the fire.

"If you say so." Athena responded looking at the fire.

For a moment silence fell between them. Both lost in their own thoughts. Artemis couldn't decide if she liked it this way or if she'd rather have the two of them speak.

"Why did you stare earlier?" The wisdom goddess spoke up.

All Artemis' doubts melted like snow underneath Apollo's sun. She definitely liked it better when it was quiet.

'Okay Artemis, it's not that bad. Just tell her that you just thought she looked gorgeous in the moon... And attractive... Gods...'

"Artemis? You okay? You look like you drank gorgon blood."

She felt like it too. Not that she ever tried, but she imagined the internal pain would be the same. At the moment there wasn't really any other way out except tell Athena what was on her mind. So she did.

"I uh... I saw you in the moonlight and urm... It just... You looked really pretty." The huntress muttered.

The ichor rushed to the moon goddess' cheeks. She could feel it. Silence fell once again as Athena twisted the words over in her mind. It took so long Artemis thought she would just stand up and leave without a word. But the wisdom goddess never did.

"You... Artemis... Thought that I... Athena... Looked good in the moonlight?" She asked.

"Good is an understatement really." Artemis blurted out.

She clasped her hand in front of her mouth, not trusting it to stay closed on it's own.

A smile appeared on Athena's face. She got up and sat down next to the goddess of the hunt. Slowly the grey eyed goddess took Artemis' hand away.

"Tell me more." She mused.


"Yes. What else?"

"There is nothing else..." Artemis mumbled.

"You're lying." Athena said, looking deep into the huntress' eyes.

"Well not really-" The moon goddess started.

"You want something from me."

That took Artemis aback for a second. What did she mean by that? There was nothing she wanted from Athena. What could she possibly give that the goddess of the hunt couldn't aquire herself?

"What do you suggest I want?" She asked the goddess in front of her.


Before Artemis could do anything she felt the wisdom goddess' lips touch her own. She didn't react at first because of the surprise. But it didn't take her long to reciprocate the kiss.

Inside the goddess of the hunt could feel a spark that had lit a flame inside of her. It wasn't big just yet, but she had no doubt it wouldn't take long for that little flame to become a whole fire if this kept going.

Before she had registered it all properly Athena pulled away again. A cocky smirk lacing her lips. Of course she knew before Artemis herself did.

"I hate you." Artemis grumbled.

"Mhm I think what happened a moment ago suggests otherwise." The wisdom goddess chuckled.

It was just something about it that made Artemis roll her eyes and chuckle with her a second later.

"You know. I think I want some more." She softly muttered.

She glanced at Athena from the side, praying to Eros she felt the same way.

"See, being honest suits you way better." Athena smirked and kissed her again.


Dear Fooddragon_08

Thank you so much for this wild suggestion. It was definitely a challenge to write, but none the less I lived every second. This one really made me think and use my creativity. I hope you enjoy this one and fits with what you had in mind. Let me know if you have any other ideas, they're incredible!


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