»»—— ——««

The moment the lunch bell rang, Taehyun immediately set off towards the music room—or at least, where he thought he'd find Yeonjun. He had told Beomgyu to go down to lunch first and find Soobin and Hueningkai.

As Taehyun pushed the door open, a voice greeted his presence. It was, for lack of a better word, beautiful, capturing the rhythm and the melody of the song effortlessly. It was a voice he knew. Taehyun looked up to see a familiar pink-haired boy, who seemed to have not taken notice of his entrance.

Compelled to stay by his voice, Taehyun quietly took a seat on a chair, silently humming along. His pitch was slightly off, but the passion in his voice was evident as Yeonjun sang each verse with such clarity and brilliance.

Once the song was over, Taehyun's hands involuntarily began to clasp together as he applauded the latter. "'Gotten rusty' huh?" He teased.

"And since when did you get here?" Asked Yeonjun, the tips of his ear flushing a light shade of red as he felt slightly flustered from someone hearing him sing without him even noticing.

"Quite some time, you were so into the song, you didn't notice me coming in," Taehyun said. "I'm going to join the competition."

"Well, that was quick," replied Yeonjun flatly as he sat next to him. 

Feeling the need to tell Yeonjun about it as well, Taehyun began to explain everything that has happened the previous night.

"So it's just going to be the two—"

"Three," interrupted Taehyun. "Beomgyu is joining us too,"

"Then aren't we going to ask more people to join us? It states here that there are 3 categories, namely, solo, duo, or group—and a group must consist of at least 4 members," said Yeonjun, pointing towards the poster which was pinned against the bulletin board in the music room.

"That shouldn't be a problem," replied Taehyun with a smile.

»»—— ——««

Spotting his friends amongst the sea of students in the cafeteria, Taehyun gestured for Yeonjun to follow him as they walked towards their table.

"Taehyun! And Yeonjun," Hueningkai quickly added, spotting the pink-haired boy standing behind his friend.

"Hello," Yeonjun said, slightly flustered since the last time he had met in the cafeteria like this was when he just transferred—and let's just say he was pretty much a jerk back then. To his relief, the trio didn't seem to mind his presence now as they waved at each other.

Taehyun plopped himself next to Beomgyu while Yeonjun took the empty seat beside Soobin. "I'm going to join the competition," he announced, figuring that it would be best for him to break the news to the rest as soon as possible, and so, he began to retell the others (really just Hueningkai and Soobin) the same thing he had told Yeonjun earlier.

"—and, you know, I was wondering if, maybe... we could join as a group?" Taehyun said with hopeful eyes, looking up to his two friends, who seemed slightly taken aback by his sudden request.

"Of course!" Soobin replied, flashing his dimples.

"We're in this together," Hueningkai added happily.

"What do you say about hanging out after school? If you guys are free, that is. I just realised that Soobin and Hueningkai never really got the chance to know Yeonjun, so let's go to a mall once our classes are done and we can get to know each other personally from there," Beomgyu suggested.

What the boy has just said wasn't wrong. Hueningkai, Soobin and Yeonjun were mutuals- knowing each other simply through Taehyun and Beomgyu- they never really got the chance to properly talk to each other.

"Sure," Yeonjun replied. "With that being said, I'm Yeonjun—and I'm sorry for giving you guys the wrong first impression of me," he continued, cringing after reminiscing his first meeting with the two boys before extending his hand to Soobin and Hueningkai.

"Hueningkai," the curly brown-haired boy smiled, taking Yeonjun's hand.

"I'm Soobin," the other said.

"So we're going to join as a group of 5?" Taehyun asked one last time, just to be clear that his friends were okay with it.

"Yup!" The others chorused.

"Then, I guess we're meeting after school then," smiled Beomgyu warmly, feeling a fuzzy sensation growing inside of him from the friendship the 5 of them had just made.


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