Chapter 7

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"What's wrong?" Niall asked me as I paced around my room. I've been thinking about how to break off things with Caroline easily the whole night and when the morning strikes, I messaged her to go online.

"I'm nervous" I said.

"For what?" 

"My girlfriend"

"Why? Did you do something wring like said another woman's name instead of hers?" Niall joked but it did not help ease the tension.

"No" I said, taking a deep breath "I’m gonna break up with her"

"You are?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow and looking both impressed and hopeful.

"Yeah, I just can't handle anymore and to be honest I'm actually enjoying being without her more than I ever did plus I feel guilty ignoring her calls already" I said, shrugging.

"So you're just waiting for her to go online?" Niall asked and I nodded. "Okay, I'll give you some privacy then" Niall said, shrugging.

"Thanks" I said and smiled at him.

"You can do it mate, don't worry. If you need help whatsoever just shout and I'll run from the kitchen to here in 0.23 seconds" he said and I laughed, feeling slightly better.

"Sure" I said and when Niall left, Caroling popped on the screen.

"Why have you been avoiding my BBMs and chat requests? Are you cheating on me? Have you found someone better than me? I doubt that. No one is better than me" she said and I rolled my eyes this time.

"Did you just roll your eyes at your girlfriend!?" she said, glaring at me.

"No. I rolled my eyes at my ex girlfriend" I said.

"Ex? What are you-- NO! YOU ARE NOT BREAKING UP WITH ME!" she started screaming.

"Yes I am!" I said, trying to keep my voice normal.


"Not anymore! I don't even know if I did truly love you. Did you?" I asked and when she stayed silent, I shrugged "see? You love the idea of having a perfect boyfriend and being labeled as the perfect couple but you don't love me. It's over Caroline"

"Why now? Why didn't you break up with me before you left?" she asked, sounding defeated for the first time.

"Because I thought if I broke up with you, I will lose everything but then I realized on this trip that the world has so much to offer and all I needed was to let go of you. And now I am" I said. "I'm sorry Caroline" I said sadly before closing my laptop.

Well that went better than I expected and even though I feel slightly guilty about it, I'm glad I did it now than never.

"NIALL! YOU CAN COME BACK UP AGAIN!" I shouted and soon and Niall was bursting in the room holding a bowl of ice cream.

"How did it go?" he asked.

"It's was okay. I thought I had to give 10 reasons why I'm breaking up with her but thank god it went faster than I thought it would. She went ballistic though" I said.

"I know" Niall laughed, "Her voice rang out around the whole house"

"It did?" I asked, blushing knowing that everyone knows I broke up with Caroline.

"Yeah. Since you're single as a pringle now. How about that date? You up for it?" he asked, winking at me.

"I guess" I said, trying to stop myself from growing any redder. "When?"

"Now" was all he said before taking off his clothes and dressing up to something more casual.

"Now!?" I asked, looking everywhere but him. Unfortunately, I couldn't help myself but look into his pale milky body. Noticing how fit and slim he is.

"Like what you see Styles?" Niall winked "If you dress up now, you'll be getting more later"

"Whatever" I blushed and took off my own shirt, feeling Niall's eyes on my body. Not to brag but I have been working out.

"You look good yourself Styles" Niall chuckled and I breathed in deeply, hoping I won't give away any clues that I've grown a crush on him.

"Where are you two going?" my mum asked as we reached downstairs.

"We're gonna eat some lunch outside" Niall said, smiling. Probably working his Irish charms on my mum.

And it worked. "Okay, be careful you two!" she said and we both nodded, making our way outside to catch a cab.

While we were in the cab, making its way to the city I fully appreciated how beautiful France is. From its plains to its buildings.

"We're here" Niall said and the driver stopped in front of a familiar restaurant. Nandos. 

I was about to reach for my wallet when Niall told me "It's okay, I'll pay for the fare" and gave an amount of cash to the driver. "I asked my mum in advanced" he said, winking at me.

"Nandos huh?" I said, looking at the restaurant as we left the cab.

"It's my favorite restaurant" Niall said, blushing slightly and I smiled because he looks so adorable when he flushes like that.

"Let's eat then" I said, smiling at him and feeling guilty that I'm going on a 'date' with another person less than an hour after I broke up with Caroline.

"So, have you ever had 'more than just friends' feelings for Zayn?" I asked for the sake of speaking.

"Nope" Niall said, shaking his head as he stuffed another spoonful in his mouth. "There are times though that I thought about how special Zayn was than the others but then Zayn doesn't feel the same so why should I" 

"Have you ever hanged out without...having sex?" I asked.

"Of course. We're best friends we can do things without being horny in a second, plus Liam's there to stop us from touching each other"

"This Liam guy, he sounds really nice" I said, blushing slightly as I remembered him accusing me of eavesdropping.

"Yeah, he's like my dad and my brother at the same time. He's always making sure that I'm safe, physically and emotionally. Without him I think I’d be in jail with AIDs by now" Niall said, chuckling a bit and stopping to eat to look at me for once. 

"How many guys have you done with it?" I asked.

"Probably 5 or 6 including Zayn. The rest are just casual blowjobs or hand jobs and some of them even ask me for strip dances and lap dances" Niall said, chuckling and smiling fondly at the memory.

"Has any boy caught your eye so far?" I asked, taking a bite of my food.

"Actually, you're the first boy who truly did. I found a lot of boys attractive but then as soon as I saw you, I really wanted to get to know you better. I think you heard me talking to Liam and Zayn already about how I wanted to be more than just one time fuck buddies with you" he said casually, not even hinting that he was slightly embarrassed.

"Thanks" I said, blushing because I was really flattered that no one caught Niall's attention fully than me.

"How about you? You're straight right? Any boy that made you temporarily question your sexuality?" he asked.

"I don't always agree to go on dates with other boys Horan, this is the first time" I said, winking at him this time and smiling as he chuckled.

Our date was like our little moment in the beach where we forgot who we really are, or what we were doing here or the fact that we were going to separate ways in a few weeks.

It was just us laughing and flirting around.

For once, it was just us.

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