Chapter 1

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"France!? That's pretty close but still slightly far!" Louis exclaimed on the other side of the phone.

"I know! And the only reason why my father is dragging me there for the whole summer is because he wants to retrace how he and my mother fell in love! Ugh! Isn't that cheesy!? Plus my mum is meeting a friend there as well" Harry groaned.

"Have you spoken to Caroline? We talked last night and she's still pretty upset" Louis said.

"Yes, yes. I'll apologize to her today again for something that's not my fault" Harry sighed "But thanks anyway Lou, I know she can be a bit whiny"

"A bit whiny? Jesus Harry, I know what whiny is and she's not just a BIT whiny" Louis scoffed.

"Watch it Lou, she's my girlfriend" Harry teased. If Louis wasn't his best friend, he would be actually hanging up right now, but since they've known each other the moment they were born, Harry has gotten used to Louis' statements through out the years.

"But that still doesn't change the fact the she's not just a BIT whiny" Louis said and I laughed.

"Okay okay, I have to call her now unless you want her to call you instead" Harry joked.

"She's all yours buddy" Louis said before hanging up, causing Harry to roll his eyes yet snicker at the same time.

Harry took a deep breath before dialing Caroline's phone.

Harry Styles has always listened to what every person says, whether he wants to or not and Harry Styles has always taken every comment about him deep into his heart.

Like when Caroline and everyone said they would look cute together and they would make the best couple in the whole world, Harry immediately formed a plan to make Caroline his, and now that she is, a part of him wishes that he never listened to anyone.

But Caroline said she would make everyone's lives miserable if Harry broke up with her, so being the good listener he is, Harry stays with Caroline to make everyone else's life better.

It's not that Harry wants to please everyone, he just does.

So now he'slistening to her rant about their ruined special plans.

"We were suppose to walk in a beach while holding hands and shopping and having a picnic under the sun! It's our last summer till we go to college and you waste it on France!?" Caroline shrieked.

"Look, it's not my idea okay? It's my dad's" Harry said, speaking as calmly as he can to avoid snapping and calling Caroline the worst names he could think of.

"B-but what about our cuddle and make out time?" Caroline asked.

"We can do it on Skype? It'd be hot" Harry muttered, using his seductive voice on Caroline.

And thankfully it worked, "Fine fine, but you have to call me all the time okay?" Caroline said.

"Okay okay" Harry said, not bothering to explain that calling from France to London will cause a very bad reception.

"Stay safe okay baby?" Caroline said, her voice going back to it's sweet normal tone.

"I will, I'll miss you" Harry said. Even though Caroline can get on his nerves sometimes, he'll still miss her.


Meanwhile in a simple house in Mullingar, Zayn Malik was on top of Niall Horan, making out.

"I'll miss you babe" Zayn muttered and Niall just shushed him by pulling him closer and kissing him roughly.

They fought for dominance but soon, Niall let Zayn win and allowed him to savor his taste, their tongues dancing together.

Summer Love (Narry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz