Chapter 24

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Niall's POV

"Hey Zaynie, Hey Liam" I said, looking at my two best friends across the laptop screen.

"Hey Niall, where's Harry?" Liam asked with a questioning look.

"Out with some girl instead of his boyfriend" I said glumly.

"Are you feeling lonely? I can go there if you want me to" Zayn said, giving me a wink, which turned into a wince as Liam nudged him harshly.

"Thanks Zayn but I just really need Harry beside me yet he's too busy comforting Taylor" I said.

"Why don't you tell him that you need someone too? He's your boyfriend, he should be there for you when you need him the most" Liam said.

"I want to, but I can't. I don't want to seem selfish. Taylor's been abused by her boyfriend and what she really needs is someone who won't hurt her, and I guess harry is the perfect candidate" I sighed, "what should I do?"

"Try and talk to Harry about how you feel about him being with her more than you" Liam said.

"Or just seduce him to forgetting about Taylor" Zayn shrugged and I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks you guys, I just really needed someone to talk to" I said, smiling at the both of them.

"Of course Niall, we'll always be here for you" Liam said.

"I miss the both of you so much" I said, sighing once more.

"Don't worry; summer is coming to an end. We'll be all together once again" Zayn said and I gulped, did I really want summer to end?

"Yeah" was all I could say.

After giving our goodbyes, I closed my laptop and sighed once more. Since Harry is having lunch with Taylor right now, I have no idea what to do. He's been busy for 4 days already and the only time we get to talk to each other is when I ask him how his day went, and all he'll ever talk about is Taylor.

I heard the kitchen door slam shut, and I closed my eyes, pretending that I'm asleep and hoping that Harry would talk about how much he loves me for once.

As soon as I heard Harry enter the room, I continued my charade.

"Niall?" he whispered yet I ignored him, still pretending to be in a deep sleep. I felt the bed dip and I knew that Harry was peering at my closely, when he finally thought that I was really asleep, he gave up.

"Shame, I was gonna tell you about this restaurant Taylor and I went to, it was a really amazing place! It reminded me of you though" he said and I tried my best to fight off a smile. Harry was thinking about me during lunch! Ha! Maybe he does still care about me.

"Oh Niall" Harry murmured, gently stroking my cheek with his fingers, "If you only knew how nice Taylor is, then maybe you won't get jealous all the time" he said and I tensed up. "She's really sweet and she has the nicest voice and the nicest laugh and she has all these stories that makes you smile" Harry sighed deeply and this time, I couldn't help it anymore, I sat up.

"Then why don't you just be with her, instead of me?" I snapped and he jumped back slightly, taken back that I was awake all along.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"You talk about her like she's the most precious thing in the world! You hang out with her more than with me. You act like you're dating her, not me!" I said, letting all the frustration out. I saw Harry's eyes turn from confusion into anger.

"Don't be selfish! She just broke up with Taylor and he hit her again! How would you like it if I hit you?" he asked.

"Then at least you're paying attention to me for once if you do" I said and Harry's face now showed guilt and distress. "Have you noticed anything? Because I have noticed the fact that we haven't kissed in a week! I have noticed the fact that you haven't even touched me in a while. I have especially noticed the fact that we have two weeks left and I think you'd rather prioritize being with Taylor than me, so I guess it doesn't matter if we won't be seeing each other in a long time because you'd rather spend your remaining days with her" I said, my face turning red from shouting so much.

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