Chapter 4

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I woke up as I felt the sunlight hit my face. I groaned and opened my eyes and remembered that I chose to sleep on the window side.

I rolled to my other side and stopped myself from chuckling as soon I saw Niall sprawled on his bed in an awkward angle and his duvet and pillows on the floor.

I felt my stomach growl and I slipped out of my bed to get something to eat. I slowly walked towards door and took one last peek at Niall before closing it gently.

I went downstairs into the kitchen and sighed in relief as I saw a box of cereal inside one of the shelves. I opened the fridge and lucky me! A carton of milk. I got a bowl and spilled the containers inside. Got a spoon and went to the living room to watch something on the TV.

I was halfway done with my cereal when I felt someone kiss the side of my neck gently, causing me to jump in surprise and almost spill my cereal.

"Calm down, it's just me" Niall said, walking into the kitchen while laughing his bum out.

I suddenly remembered what happened last night and my hand went to the bruise on my neck. What the hell is wrong with him?

Soon enough, he appeared once again with a bowl of cereal in his hand and sat beside me.

I looked at him while he ate. "Niall" I said.

"Hmm?" he asked.

"What the hell did you do last night?" I asked.

"I gave you a hickey, unless you want your parents to know I did it, I suggest you cover it up" he said casually.

"But why did you give it to me?" I asked.

"Well since you were so curious about what Zayn and I do, I decided to give you an example" Niall said casually.

"I have a girlfriend!" I said.

"So? If you don't want me to do that, just tell me. But if you want to continue" he said, crawling closer to me until his mouth was against my ear "I wouldn't mind one bit"

"Boys! Where are you?" I heard my mum called out.

"In the living room, Mrs. Styles!" Niall said, moving to the other side of the couch so it looked like he didn't just ask me to be his fuck buddy.

"Oh Niall, I told you to call me Anne!" mum said, smiling fondly at Niall. What is with this sex-crazed freak that everyone is so fond of?

I remember the little hickey he gave me so I turned to my side so that I was covering it.

"Maura, your father and I will be looking around for some nice places to visit while Greg and Gemma will be doing the grocery shopping. You two stay here and be good little boys okay?" my mum said to me, and then Niall afterwards.

"Yes mum" I said. Alone in a house with Niall? I've known this boy for one night and I can already tell I don't want to be in a house alone with him. Don't I?

"Love you sweetie" my mum said, leaning in to kiss my cheek "and see you later Niall"

"Bye little bro" Greg said, appearing out of nowhere and ruffling Niall's hair. "I'll make sure I buy all your favorites" he continued.

"Thanks Greg!" Niall said.

"Be good Niall" Maura sad. Yeah Niall, be good. Please don't give me guilty feelings about secretly liking your body even though I have a girlfriend.

As soon as they left, I stood up and ran to our room. I need to talk to Louis.

 I slammed the door and locked it. I got my laptop and opened Skype and thank god Louis was waiting for me.

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