Chapter 25

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The ride to the airport was pretty quiet, and I preferred it that way. Maura was too busy looking at the plains and buildings that we passed by while the others are in the other cab.

Niall and I remained quiet as we held each other’s hand tightly, we both didn't care whether it got sweaty or not. All we know is that this may as well be the last time we'll be holding each other's hand.

We spent the remaining two weeks with each other, we went to all sorts of places, and some of them even got us in trouble. I can't believe those two weeks are over. I can't believe summer is over.

We reached the airport and got out, momentarily letting go of each other as we both got out own luggage. 

We went through all the security and necessary entrances and after showing our passports, we waited in the lounge for our different flights that were coming in 2 hours.

"Harry" Niall said, speaking for the first time since we left the beach house.

"Niall" I said, trying to make myself sound strong yet my voice betrayed me and showed all forms of weakness.

"I can't believe this time has finally come" Niall said and I agreed, taking his hand in mine as we sat down beside each other.

"I'm going to miss you so much" I said.

"I'll miss you too, Harry, I just want you to know that whatever happens, I will always love you" Niall said and before I could cry, Gemma beat me to it.

"Greg, I'll miss you so much" Gemma said. The both of them are just a couple of seats away from us but I turned around to look at Gemma who was buried in Greg's chest. I couldn't help but feel even more sad, Gemma was one of those girl who told themselves that they would never fall in love, yet here she is, being a mess like her little brother.

"You Horans have quite an effect on us" I said, chuckling as I looked back at Niall who was watching Greg and Gemma fondly as well.

"It's in the genes" he joked, scrunching his face and sticking his tongue out, making himself look adorable and causing my heart to ache even more.

"2 hours" I sighed and Niall frowned once again, faced with the thought of reality once more.

"2 hours" he said as well. He looked at me, his ice blue eyes staring into my green ones and I can see all sorts of emotions flick through his orbs. Love. Lust. Sadness. Despair. Mischief and so much more.

"You want to grab something to eat?" I asked even though I already know the answer.

"Of course I do" Niall said, chuckling slightly. 

We walked around the airport, looking for any place we could eat in and thankfully, we found a small restaurant that sells French food.

Niall and I ordered a takeout and went back to our original place and found our parents waiting for us.

"Bad news" Maura said to Niall.

"What is it?" Niall asked, placing his food gently on a chair and sitting on the one beside it.

"Our flight will be arriving late, an hour after Harry's" Maura said and Niall's mouth opened slightly.

"So you're telling me that I’ll be waiting here with no harry? That I have to watch him leave in front of my eyes?" Niall asked his mother and I sat beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"It's okay Niall" I said, shushing him. Niall is a wreck and every single one of us understands. I'm just trying to stay strong for the both of us.

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