Chapter 13

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"I'm so glad they gave us time alone to cuddle and just watch TV" Niall said as he buried his face in my clothes chest and breathe me in.

I started playing with his hair, completely ignoring what was going on in the TV. "Just cuddle?" I asked and smirked when I felt Niall's breathing hitch. Niall can be a huge flirt and the only way to fight back is to flirt back.

"Unless you want more" Niall said, his voice turning husky as he looked up at me with eyes full of want. I gulped as I felt my little man stiffen a little bit. Niall must have felt it because he chuckled darkly and started attacking me with his lips.

I groaned as my back hit the couch, causing some bag of chips to fall on the floor but we both chose to ignore it as Niall started taking off my shirt and leaving multiple bites across my chest.

He made his way over to my semi hard boxers covered crotch and looked at me before smirking and ghosting it with his hot breath, causing me to moan.

"Niall" I moaned as he started licking my now fully hard length over my boxers. Even though Niall and I have only been officially together for one week, he has already sucked my dick 6 times (twice in one day) and given me multiple hand jobs in the shower.

I would gladly give one in return if I wasn't so unsure and hesitant but Niall never complained, in fact, he admitted to me that he likes making me feel good. It makes him feel good when I wriggle and writhe under his touch.

His hand was on the waistband of boxers already when someone knocked and rudely and unintentionally disturbed mine and Niall's sexy moment.

"I'll get it" Niall winked, giving my clothed erection a kiss before walking towards the kitchen door with nothing but some lose shorts and his tank top.

I sighed and closed my eyes, desperate not to touch myself.

"Hey Niall" a familiar voice said and my head shot up and saw Justin outside the door, "discreetly" eyeing Niall's body up and down.

"Oh hey Justin, what are you doing here?" Niall asked, completely oblivious to whatever bad intention Justin has.

"I found this by the beach and I kind off asked Taylor about it and it must have been yours or your boyfriends" Justin said, not even covering the distaste in his voice when he said 'boyfriend'

"Oh cool, yeah it is. Harry must have left it" Niall said, chuckling a bit.

At the sound of my name, a plan formulated in my head and I moaned out "Niall come back here, you have unfinished business to do"

Niall turned around to look at me while Justin peeked from Niall's shoulder to know what I was talking about.

Niall rolled his eyes at me but he licked his lips afterwards, giving me a wink and a flying kiss while Justin took time digesting the fact that I was in nothing but boxers who are only a minute away from ripping off. I smirked at him just in case he didn't get the message.

"Oh. You were busy?" Justin asked. 

"Yep, why? You've got something in your mind?"Niall asked as he faced Justin once again. I groaned because it's either Niall was really interested in the Justin guy or he's just doing this to tease me and prolong my agony.

"Taylor and I were actually wondering if you'd like to eat with us in a nice restaurant near the beach" Justin said.

"We'd love to" Niall said and my jaw dropped. "But would you mind if we come by a little bit later? I still have to force Harry to come along" he said and I almost choke on pure air as he said that.

"Oh s-sure" Justin stuttered. He handed Niall the plate before giving him one last smile and leaving the door.

"Come along? Seriously?" I said, looking at Niall and shaking my head.

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