Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

"I haven't seen Maura in ages! And she actually has two sons, both the same age as the both of you" My mum gushed for the millionth time that day as we landed in France.

I rolled my eyes and my sister, Gemma made a sound of annoyance at the back of her throat.

"Let's get a cab now dear" my dad said and I followed him while carrying three bags, 2 in one hand and 1 in the other.

While waiting for the cab, I realized that France wasn't that different from UK, I didn't know what to expect actually. I thought Paris would be a city full of magic and romance but now that I look at it, it is simply a busy place with busy people.

"Are we staying in a hotel?" Gemma asked and I nearly chuckled as I saw my mum roll her eyes.

"I told you Gemma, we will be staying in a summer house with Maura and her family" she said, annoyance clear in her voice.

"For two months?" Gemma groaned, slumping back to her seat.

"They have Greg, you might get along with him" my dad said turning around from the front seat to look at Gemma, trying to reassure her.

"I don't even have any idea who the hell Greg is" Gemma said.

"That's why you're gonna meet him" mum said, rolling her eyes like it's the most obvious thing in the world and Gemma just rolled her eyes back in return. Thank god those two didn't think of having a cat fight inside the cab.

I sighed and looked out the window, watching the city lights pass by me in a daze. Soon, there were less buildings and I could see the faint sight of the beach.

We finally stopped in front of a huge mansion-like cabin and my jaw dropped in awe. When I said it was mansion like, I wasn't exaggerating.

It was color white and it looked like it had 3 floors. For the first time in hours, I finally felt excited about this trip.

"Maura and her family just caught a cab. They will be arriving soon" my mum announced but we were all amazed by the penthouse to care.

"Can we go in?" Gemma asked, sounding excited as well and when mum nodded, we wasted no time in dragging out luggage in.

I gasped as we entered; it looks so grand and fancy in the inside! Maybe I won't regret staying here at all.

"Harry, you will be sharing rooms with Niall on the second floor" my mum said and I just nodded, too eager to look around.

"Don't tell me I'm sharing with Maura's other son because I would rather sleep on the stone cold floor than share a room with another man" Gemma said.

"Don’t' worry, we're not gonna allow that" mum said, rolling her eyes. "You both have separate rooms on the same floor as Niall and Harry"

"Good" Gemma huffed.

"Can I go in my room now?" I asked, excited to see where I would be sleeping.

"Sure honey, last door on the left" she said, admiring the fake flowers that were placed in pretty vases around the room.

I went upstairs along with my suitcases and as soon as I saw my room, I was in awe.

There are two beds on the other side of the walls, two cabinets for our clothes, one huge table with two chairs and a window on one side.

I decided to take the window side instead. I dropped my suitcase on the floor and carefully got my laptop out of my bag and as I opened it, I chatted with Louis who was online all long.

HS0102: The place is amazing! Almost worth it!

Tommo17: glad it isn't as bad as we both thought it would be. ;)

HS0102: still wishing you and -somehow- Caroline were still here though.

Tommo17: I'll see if I can visit.  ;) x

HS0102: speaking of...

CarolineFlack1: Hazzabear!

Tommo17: hey I call him that!

HS0102: Caroline! :)

Tommo17: am I still supposed to be part of this or

CarolineFlack1: I miss you so much baby

HS0102: same x

"Harry!" my mum called out "Maura is here and it's time for dinner!"

I looked out the window and realized that it was getting darker.

HS0102: got to eat dinner. Chat you later guys. x

I gently laid down my laptop before changing into something more comfortable and hopping down the stairs, only to bump into someone, causing their bags to fall and the both of us to land as well. With me on top.

As soon as I felt the landing, I opened my eyes only to be met by blue cerulean ones staring right into my soul.

I don't know what came over me, usually I would stand up immediately in situations like these but those blue orbs kept me in a trance,

My trance was broken though as soon as I heard the person, which happens to be a boy, underneath me coughed.

I stood up quickly and held out my hand. "I'm so sorry" I apologized but I couldn't help but blush at the warm sensation the spread throughout my body when he grabbed my hand to pull himself up.

"Nahh, I'm the one that's sorry. I should be the one looking properly. I understand, if dinner was ready after a long plane trip I would be excited myself" the boy grinned, looking at me and I couldn't help but notice his Irish accent.

"Are you Niall?" I asked.

"Yep and you're Harry I presume. Unless you are a girl underneath" he teased, raising an eyebrow.

"N-no! Yeah I'm Harry" I said.

"Nice to meet you Harry" Niall said, smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back. What? No? I'M NOT GAY! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!

"I'll put this in our room now" Niall said, carrying his bags. 

"You need help?" I asked.

"Nah I'm cool" Niall said, giving me one last smile before walking off to our room.

I tried to even my breathing and decided that I should just talk to Louis about this. I finally went downstairs and settled myself on one of the chairs in the dining room. I looked around and saw that my mum and Niall's mum were hugging each other and I couldn't help but smile. They must have missed each other very much.

Greg and Gemma were actually talking to each other and I rolled my eyes as Gemma twirled a piece of her hair between her fingers, a clear sign that she was flirting.

"You okay son?" my dad said, sitting beside me.

"Yeah" I said.

"Have you met the other boy?"

"Niall? Yep. He seems like a really nice guy" I shrugged.

"Great, Maura tells me he's gay though" my dad said.

"He is?" I asked and I felt a wave of hope surge though me.

"Yeah, but that won't bother you right?" 

"not at all" I said, sounding bored even though I was really excited for some reason.

Maybe this vacation won't be half as bad as I though it would be.

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