Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars

Start from the beginning

"Nihan is like that," Defne agreed and nodded at the cars. - Let's go home! They are waiting for us.

Four cars pulled out of the parking lot and rushed along the highway, each in its own direction.

Mert was sitting in the front seat next to Ahtem. The latter looked at him thoughtfully from time to time and finally spoke:

- Mert, I have a serious conversation with you.

"Speak, Mr. Ahtem," the boy replied.

Ahtem, looking in front of him and driving the car, said:

- Just let's agree, we answer honestly and directly. By the heart. Conversation between men and no one will ever know about it.

"I agree," said Mert without a moment's hesitation.

- Do you like Esra? - The man asked him directly and softened the question a little. - This is not an idle curiosity and I will explain everything. But first, answer the question. Do you like Esra?

"Yes," said Mert clearly. - I like her. But how did you guess?

- It was not difficult. Your reaction when Shishmaz put her on the line was very eloquent.

- Maybe, but what does this have to do with you? - Mert looked at his profile point-blank.

The man's face was pensive and stern. He stopped the car near Mert's house and turned to him.

- Banu likes you - he explained.

Mert turned pale and shook his head.

- No ... you're wrong. Banu and I are only friends.

- I'm not mistaken - bitterly said Ahtem. - I know that shining look. These are the eyes that Banu is looking at you with. And she is very impressionable and vulnerable. I have gone through a whole series of tragedies and I do not want the girl, whom I love as a younger sister, to suffer.

"But I can't bring myself to love her," said Mert, confused.

- Nobody can make himself fall in love ... or stop loving, - Ahtem smiled sadly. - I only ask you to communicate with her exactly, as with a friend. Give her time to sort out her feelings and, perhaps, she will outgrow this love and understand that you are not her destiny. All three of you are still children. Don't take your relationship to the next level yet. Stay friends.

Mert listened attentively. He frowned, bit his lip, but listened. And in his mind, he understood that the man was right. The heart wanted something else. He wanted to love, to confess his feelings, to hear in response that reciprocal love exists, but ... Ahtem speaks correctly. Esra is only fourteen. And then there is the vulnerable, who survived a lot of suffering, Banu. He can't hurt her. Let there be only friendship for now. A real, strong friendship.

Mert nodded his head and replied:

- It will be so. Fear not, I will not offend Banu or cause her suffering.

Ahtem held out his hand to him and the boy shook it tightly.

- Well done, Mert! Decided like a real man and a good person. My respect to you! - He saluted with two fingers and nodded at the door: - Run home. Mom is waiting for you and is worried.

- Goodnight! - The boy wished and got out of the car.

Slightly hunched over and thrusting his hands into the pockets of his windbreaker, he slowly walked under the lanterns to the entrance. Ahtem looked after him. He knew the guy would keep his promise. Will do it now. But what will happen in a few years? Will the heart of the fragile, tender girl Banu break then?

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