"It's entirely up to you, Elizabeth. I can just as well replace the dampener on you, but I do not know how long it would last."

"What about communication? Jessica and my father would still go crazy without any word from me." I asked.

Lilith seemed to consider for a moment. "You could always write letters and give them to me. I can send them through the veil for you." After thinking about it a bit longer, I agreed. Once I learned to control this power, I could go home and see my friends and father again. They would never have to worry about me again.

"At dinner, you mentioned being able to see visions, is there anything else that you can think of?" Lilith asked.

"Um... Sometimes when I touch a book I know everything about it without ever reading it, and I sometimes hear voices." I've never had to think about my symptoms as actual abilities. It was strange and a relief. I still couldn't believe I wasn't actually sick.

"That lines up with what I thought. You are a psychic. It's a power granted to very few; I can teach you to hone your powers along with some basics. But first, we need to get rid of that dampener." Lilith got up and waved her arms out with force. All the furniture got pushed back against the walls, including the chair I was sitting in. I couldn't help the squeak that came out from the sudden motion.

Lilith motioned for me to stand, "Come stand with me in the center of the room."

Fear crept into me. "Is this going to... To hurt?" I asked.

"Maybe a little. It depends on how deep the dampener runs. I'll try my best to be gentle. We can consider this your first lesson." Lilith pulled me in front of her and hovered her hands around my head. "When you perform magic, it's all about intent. Some simple spells only require a word or phrase to be spoken. More complex spells require ingredients and phrases. The more complex the spell, the more it drains your aura." She closed her eyes and her hands started to glow.

My body felt tingly, and Lilith continued, "Try to keep it together. This can get unpleasant. Right now, my aura is moving through you. The dampener is hidden right in your core. Please take a deep breath."

I did as she told, tightly gripping the edges of my seat.


Something snapped deep inside me and a sharp pain erupted. I let out a small groan. It felt like a dam had been broken as a wave of energy rushed through me. Woah! It was dizzying, I had never felt anything quite like it.

Lilith looked at me, mildly confused. "Strange... It wasn't as damaged as I had thought. Someone must have patched it."

I rubbed my stomach, hoping the dull ache would soon subside. "Could it have been the people who kidnapped me?"

"No, I don't think so. If they were planning on recruiting you, they would have broken it right away."

That was strange. Who repaired it? I wonder. A faint memory tickled the back of my mind, but I couldn't recall it.

"Anyway, please excuse me!" Lilith walked up to me and casually plucked a couple of hairs from my head.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. Why was magic so painful?

She smiled apologetically. "Sorry, dear, I need this for the memory spell. Isaac will probably be in the library, so Ember may assist you to get there. She's right outside. I'll see you at dinner?"

I nodded, and she opened the door for me. Ember stood there, just by the door. She bowed to Lilith, then led me to the library.

Guilt came over me. Is it wrong to feel excited to stay here a little longer? I wanted to go home, but at the same time, I wanted to learn about this new world and my magic. I'll be honest, even the thought of having more time with Isaac and possibly getting closer was exciting. I know my father and friends will be okay... but I couldn't help but feel so guilty.

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