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      The next day when I woke up, I thought the events of the day before were part of a horrible nightmare, but the beeping noise from the heart monitor told me otherwise. The doctor did an ultrasound, and from what she could see, I was roughly two months pregnant. I could've been further along by a couple of weeks, but it was hard to tell due to the embryo's location.

It resulted that this baby had no chance whatsoever since it was an ectopic pregnancy. The embryo developed outside of my uterus due to the scar tissues caused by my surgeries after the accident. By the looks of it, Chloe got what she wanted by making me lose a child just like her.

Hearing the doctor talking in past tense and knowing that my baby was still alive, but it won't get to develop correctly because of the place it was at made this whole experience worse. As if my world wasn't crumbled enough, I had to sit through a conversation with the doctor about the options I had when it came to the process of terminating the pregnancy. Not wanting to make any decisions without Evan, I insisted on having him in the conversation through a video call while he waited in the parking lot since he had to go home during the night.

    The doctor was patient and kind enough to explain everything in detail, especially when this situation wasn't a miscarriage, where things will take their course; I had three options.

     The first is letting my body do its thing of getting rid of the fetus naturally, which could take weeks or more which could cause me more damage physically and mentally. The second one would be to take a medication that would accelerate the process with minimum physical pain or, lastly, have surgery where they more than likely would have to remove one of my Fallopian tubes and use a vacuum to take the baby out.

     The thought of having an item sucking out my baby made me sick, and by the look on Evan's face, I knew he felt the same. On top of the fact that just having one tube would make my chances of having a baby in the future even lower than they were now. Evan and I agreed together on the medication. I would've preferred the whole natural option, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to handle the entire thing for weeks and weeks. If it was destroying me now, I couldn't imagine what it would do to me if I had to go through this for a month. If I went with that option the more the baby grew the higher the chances of the tubes rupturing making everything even worse and dangerous for my health.

After some more discussion, the doctor proceeded to inject the medication that would finish the baby's life and stop it from growing. Once that was done, I was free to go home but I have to return once a week to ensure that my pregnancy hormones are lowering to make sure the medication worked.

During the night I had to spend alone at the hospital, Evan stayed at my place with Maia and Maddie, who insisted on staying to help him with the baby girl. At least something good came out of my little tragic moment, which was getting the Buckley siblings to talk again.

Second Chances || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now