Yang: Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head.

Weiss: *counting the facts on her fingers* You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering.

Blake: You think I care about grades?

She shrugs and then gestures out the window.

Blake: People's lives are at stake!

Yang puts her hand on Blake's, lowering it.

Yang: We know, and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to.

Ruby: Thanks to you and Sun, we know they're operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale.

Weiss: And, the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the last few months.

Yang: Don't forget about their missing military tech too.

Blake: But there's still unanswered questions!

Ruby: Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open!

Yang: All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day.

Weiss: It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it.

Yang: Yeah! We're planning the whole event!

Yang pumps her fists which causes the bed to bounce Blake.

Blake: Excuse me?

Weiss: Team CFVY's away mission lasted longer than expected.

Yang: So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night.

Weiss: And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready.

Ruby: So what do ya think?

Blake: I think this is a colossal waste of time.

Blake walks away from the group and opens the dorm door.

Blake: I'll be in the library.

She walks out of the room.

Yang: Great.

Weiss: She can't keep going on like this.

There's a knock at the door and Weiss approaches and opens it. Jaune appears at the door with a guitar.

Jaune: *singing* Weeeeiiiss!

Weiss slams the door in his face.

Jaune: Oh, come on, open the door! I promise not to sing.

Weiss opens the door.

Jaune: *singing* I liiiieeed! Weiss Schu-nee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday!?

Weiss: Are you done?

Jaune shrugs

Jaune: Yes?

Weiss: No.

She shuts the door in his face. Turning around, she sees the others staring at her.

Weiss: What?

Both Ruby and Yang are standing precariously.

Yang: And that is why they call you the Ice Queen.

Ruby finally collapses onto Weiss's bed.

Weiss: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides, I already have a date in mind.

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