~~ Away With The Fairies ~~

Start from the beginning

They fell to the ground, L and Bryce cradled carefully as Robbie made the landing on his back legs. L couldn't make sense of the situation, she felt like she was being cooked from the inside out. Robbie lashed out his tail at the wall of the greenhouse, before it could break the glass, they were forcibly turned; L struggled to understand what she saw.

Where the Fairy had been standing, there was now a shapeless mass of shadow with four glowing orbs of red fire in its centre. It had tendrils shooting out towards Robbie, stopping him from breaking the greenhouse. How had a Demon got into the Fairy court? L tried to shake the brain fog, she needed to be able to think straight. She could barely breathe now and she was acutely aware that Bryce was much worse. This was up to Robbie, and time was not on their side.

Robbie growled his frustration at fighting the Demon, L could hear some colourful language spewing through their connection. She felt his struggle, and tried to catch her breath, she needed to help him fight this thing. L braced herself and attempted to summon even the smallest bit of magic, something that might give them control over the situation. The barrier she had in mind however quickly failed, barely a spark reached her hands. Whatever this heat was, it wasn't natural to the greenhouse.

Robbie suddenly made a drastic move, jarring L from her thoughts. Fire erupted from his maw, aimed at the glass walls of the greenhouse. A shadowy tendril shot out to intercept the fire, swallowing it up in darkness. The Demon screeched but was otherwise unaffected. L's focus was shaky at best, a sense of dread fell over her as she watched Robbie. How could this happen? Why was nothing ever simple?

Robbie fired again and again, the Demon swallowed the fire every single time. They were losing this one, and L hadn't been able to lift a finger. The spots were growing bigger, she was losing consciousness. No, she couldn't go and leave Robbie without help, he wasn't equipped to do this alone.

"Robbie... try... distraction."

L communicated through their link, she could barely form the words but she had to try before she passed out.

"L? Oh crap, I don't know what to do, how could this happen? Jeez... this is so messed up. I'll get you out though, I swear."

Robbie shot ball after ball of fire, aiming every which way he could, while backing up against the side of the greenhouse. Taking the opportunity while the Demon was busy catching the fireballs, he slammed his huge tail against the wall. Unfortunately, the greenhouse glass didn't shatter with the force of the blow. L realised too late, the Fairies must have reinforced them against any accidents. Did they do it on purpose? No, the fog in her brain was stopping her from thinking straight.

She knew she was losing it, Robbie was struggling to fight and protect them, and Bryce was all but unconscious. She tried to hold on with everything she had; they couldn't lose now, not like this, they'd only come here for a silly plant. The Plants. The idea was like a smack in the face, helping her to think straight just long enough to formulate a plan. She squinted, recognising a few things that might be helpful. Communicating the idea to Robbie was much tougher, her thoughts were jumbled and only seemed to make sense to her.

Robbie was busy fighting, and trying to understand through his panic. L sent an image of the plants, and then a memory from a film they'd watched once. It felt like an eternity before Robbie finally clicked on. L could sense his brain calculating a way to carry out her idea, just as her world turned dark.

The sound of buzzing had started from somewhere inside L's head, the darkness was still present but it was different, lighter. Like the flick of a switch, all of her senses returned to her at once and she opened her eyes. Light blinded her at first, and sounds took even longer to penetrate her brain. Everything began flooding back in slow motion, she was sluggish in mind as well as body.

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