"I can barely control myself with your clothes on, and now that I know that this towel hides what's mine is making my blood boil" he say making under me hot. ( the fuck I'm not an object he can own). His other hand is now on my waist trying to pull me closer to him. 'ARIE YOH HAVE TO STOP THIS' my inner voice screams at me. And I immediately take he's hands away and jump down from the island.

" I'm not yours" I spit at him. He's eyes are getting darker and I'm honestly afraid. 'Breathe Arie it's not him, breath' my inner voice try to calm me down, but before I was able, to breathe my last breath I was pulled into a wall, while he was pressed against me, his one hand was holding my wrists above my head. And with the other one he holds my throat.

" yes you are doll, you are mine and you don't have a choice but to accept, because if you don't your whole family is gonna die, including your lovely daughter." He say calmly but in his eyes there's a storm. 'No he can't my dad is gonna pay, its only 5 millions we can pay that' I thought, while his eyes are looking down at my lips.

"You can't because we're gonna pay you back" I say trying to control my temper. He chuckle.

" oh doll your dad haven't told you have he?"
He says and I'm so confused right now. ' what did my dad not tell me?' I thought while looking at his stormy eyes.

" your so called mothe-" I cut him there, this women is not my mom damn it. Why can't they just get it SHE'S NOTHING TO ME, she lost me the day she didn't believe in me and abounded me for her sick man.

" she's not my mom" I say emotionless. He's eyes get darker and I honestly don't care. The thought of this women remove all my emotions, fears and feelings. He's hold on my throat was getting more tight.

" NEVER AND WITH NEVER I MEAN NEVER interrupt me" he yells at me angry. I just nod because he's starting to hurt me. He's grip loosen and his fingers goes to my lips.

"Good. Now where was I?" He asks calmly, while rubbing my lips slowly. I swear he's mood swings is worse then Texas weather.

"Oh Yes. Your so called mother have borrowed another 25 millions, and if your family doesn't pay me back by the end of next month I then have to kill them all" He says coldly.

'WHAT, no no no my dad will never be able to pay that much, and my company doesn't make 30 millions in a month. I hate her so much, I HATE YOU' I was having a panic attack inside my head.

I close my eyes and try to but my shit together. And then my Lya come in front of me. 'I will never let anything happen to you, I promise you' the words I told her the day she was born. And I'm still gonna do that, I will protected her with my life. I can feel that my breathing is out of control, and I try to calm myself down. 'I need my pills' my inner voice tells me. 'I need the damn pills'...... 'okay Arie you can do it without the pills you know you can you've done it before you can also do it this time' I then remove all what he said, and imagine the big beach with no one, and the cold air hitting my face. 'Breathe' and with that I opened my eyes and with no emotions.

"What do you want?" I ask him coldly. 'Nothing is gonna happen to my family or my daughter'. He moves closer that our lips are about to touch.

"Good choice" he says while smirking, I hate him more by now. "You doll, only you." He says, and I honestly want to die right now. 'You've done it before you can try again' my inner voice whisper. Yes I've done it before, but I'm not weak anymore I've learned to face my monsters.

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