▪︎ chapter 23

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"Well. My aunt refused to lend us anymore, and well....my father couldn't pay off the rent so we started moving"

"That's.....terrible. So why did you come here?"

"I got into an argument with my parents. My mom told me....", Hueningkai doesn't say any further as he reminisces the words of his mother. The recent memory stings his mind like a muffled sound. It hurts to hear the voice in his head.

"She told you to?"

"Nothing, nothing", Hueningkai reaches out to put his face in his hands and awaken himself from the lost trail of ponder. A hand reaches out to his back, short vertical strokes that make him reach in for the warmth. He tries not to startle at first, that would make him retract his hand in denial and just comfort himself.

"It's gonna be okay....do you think your parents were at the wrong when you were arguing with them?", Soobin asks

Hueningkais hands fall down to his sides and he thinks for a moment. Violent screaming, unsupported decisions, and all of that.

"They were. That's what I like to think at least.", Hueningkai answers truthfully.

"I've been noticing my dad for a while. It's been months and he's so.....incapable. Everytime he starts working at a part time job, the pay is barely enough for a weeks meal. H-he just barely tries. My mom.....I always thought my mother would be the most supportive person ever. She's nice, but I feel like she's started to hate me ever since that day......."

"What day?" Soobin listens attentively. He's not sure hes heard this side of his story ever, he's keen to know but afraid to get the response.

"The day.....I told her I dont like girls", Hueningkai looks up and fidgets around anxiously.

"Oh.....I'm sorry you have to go through that"

"It's okay. Thanks for listening. I know I rant a lot", Hueningkai accepts with a light chuckle and a nervous hand around his neck.

Soobin smiles.

"No it's okay, I wanted to listen ", Soobin says.

The sudden disruption of the conversation is caused by a loud ringing.

"I-its my dad", Hueningkai says with an exasperated sigh as he checks his phone.

"Are you gonna pick up?", Soobin asks

"No. They're most probably asking me to come back, which I dont want to. At least not for the time being", Hueningkai answers.

Soobin nods.

"Hey, did you like the house?", Soobin asks

"Yeah, yeah I absolutely loved it. It's great, and suits you too", Hueningkai let's out a small smile. Even though the aura might me tensed, he feels safer with Soobin next to him. He feels the closure of the warmth present.

Soobin smiles endearingly. "Do you want me to call Taehyun and the rest?", he asks suddenly

"Why?", Hueningkai saddens at the thought of there being others too and doesn't want his temporary lasting moment with Soobin to end quick.

"It's always good to have friends take care of you well"

"I-im good though, it's just a brief lasting pain", Hueningkai shakes it off with a point

"Yeah, that's true.....but I'd want them to come over since they never really came over at my place. We'll have loads of fun too I'm sure.", Soobin says

"Ah okay then", the latter admits, he can't deny the fact that having friends like yeonjun and beomgyu always tend to make a situation better with their jokes and foolishness. He also can't deny how supportive and helpful Taehyun always is. The maturity in his suggestions makes Hueningkai realise that the solution to his problems is always with Taehyun and that very few people could actually be trusted with this.

❝forbidden love❞ // sookaiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz