Chapter 26: The Return of Old Allies

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It was the beginning of a new month. Like Ayumi and Deandra promised, they came to Black Elm to see all of us. Moira and I went with Izumi to pick the two women up at the port.

"Hey, guys! You look good!" Deandra greeted us as I helped her with the suitcases. "Especially you, Nardho. You've grown a bit taller since last year."

"You finally get to see him again and the first thing you commented on is his appearance?" Ayumi shook her head. "Ignore that goofball, kid. She's excited, that's all. So, what else is new?"

"I don't mind being complimented about my height," I smiled. "By the way, everyone is planning to go in a mini submarine at the end of this week. It would be wonderful if you can join too. Gibran and Risma already knew to expect some company."

"Awesome!" Ayumi beamed. "How could we possibly say no to that offer?"

"You'd be crazy to decline the invitation," Izumi chuckled. "It's not every day that we get to see the deeper part of the ocean!"

"Indeed," Moira gave her an approving nod. "I'll bring my sketchbook with me. I'm sure we'll cross paths with many new creatures native to this peninsula and I'd be happy to draw the most interesting ones."

"Oh, I'd be so happy to see more of your art!" Ayumi squealed. "I remember Lee showing me the pieces you painted for Vannie a while ago. You're good at realistic paintings."

"Speaking of art," Deandra interjected. "Check this out!" she rolled her left sleeve and showed me and the girls a tattoo on her arm. The tattoo was a compass with a cursive underneath it that read "Where your treasure is."

"Ooh, this looks like a type of tattoo that matches a significant other's!" I exclaimed. "Ayumi has the other half, I assume?"

"You bet!" Deandra nodded enthusiastically and Ayumi showed us her right arm, on which there was a tattoo of an anchor and a cursive that read "There your heart is also."

"A compass and an anchor do complement each other. Did you get those for your anniversary?" Izumi asked admiringly. "Maybe I should get matching tattoos with Hamza and Alex too."

"Ooh, my little niece has boyfriends!" Ayumi grinned and pinched Izumi's cheek.

"Auntie, stop, that hurts!" the girl pouted but her eyes sparkled gleefully. "Just one boyfriend. Alex is just my friend I happen to share a partner with."

"Fascinating," Deandra chimed in. "Nice to know Blue Orchid is becoming an even more progressive institution. I have some advice, though. Make sure you're dating because you love who you're with," she glanced at Moira and me before winking. "Don't just do it because you thought you ought to or because everyone else is coupling up."

"I promise you I'm learning to love Hamza for who he is," Izumi turned redder than the reddest Crimson Yeast. "He has been incredibly nice to me and I want to be good to him."

"So you're saying he flatters you and you feel inclined to flatter him back, is that it?" Ayumi smirked. "Don't toy with someone else's precious heart, mija."

"I'm not, Auntie. He is wonderful, you'll see when you finally meet him!" the girl blushed even more.

"As wonderful as Nardho?" Deandra asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Oy, don't drag me into this!" I protested. Moira burst into laughter and poor Izumi looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her whole.

"Okay, that's enough teasing, mi cariño." Ayumi stared at her beloved before smiling at me. "Let's get going to the bungalow."

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