Chapter 21: Revelation and Impulsivity

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January 8th 2627

I hadn't gotten the chance to follow up with Nardhia about her nervousness regarding the whole dizzying oh-crap-Nardho is-crushing-on-someone-he-shouldn't-have-crushed-on situation. It wouldn't be this awkward if Tony was just a friend of us instead of being romantically involved with her, but I guess stranger things had happened and maybe our situation wasn't as strange as it seemed. Truth be told, however, I had never known any other guy who fell for his sibling's boyfriend.

I wished I could talk to somebody about this, somebody who had been in our shoes before. Why had my life transformed into a soap opera?

I wonder what Johan would have to say about this. He wouldn't be so stupid to think that prayers could magically lead to some epiphany, would he? As cringe-inducing as it might sound, a part of me wanted to ask "Hey, purely hypothetical question, but what if I fancy Kenta?" and watch his priceless reaction as he read between the lines.

As if by fate, my phone rang and the caller ID indicated that it was a call from my older brother.

"Hello?" I hesitated. "Why are you calling, Johan? Is everything okay?"

"It is!" came his cheerful answer. "I just want to check in on how you're doing."

"Not bad," I responded. I wouldn't want him to worry unnecessarily about me and I wasn't technically lying—things could be better but nothing truly awful happened so it was good.

"Not bad? C'mon, you know I want to hear more about your study abroad trip. Kenta got words from Akira that you and your classmates are conducting various researches related to the Kulambas. That's super cool! Tell me more about the dolphin-seahorse hybrid."

"Err, we haven't gotten very far in our project," I admitted. "But we have gathered some data on how the climate in Black Elm makes this planet an ideal habitat for those animals. Next step is to actually visit the Kulambas sanctuary and to connect with local Elmians, especially the ones around Amethyst Archipelago, the Crystal Lilacs tribe."

"That sounds nifty," Johan replied. "How is everything else? You and your friends have fun?"

"I have a question," I sighed. "But promise not to judge me."

"When have I ever judged you, Dho? You can trust me with anything."

"Okay, what if I knocked a girl up?"

"I'd be disappointed but I'd help you out. Wait, did you get Moira pregnant?"

"No, that was just me messing with you!" I laughed. "No pregnancy."

"Oh, whew. You almost had me there. So, what is it?"

"Han... have you ever harbored feelings for anybody else while dating Kenta?"

Silence. I waited for a few seconds and he still did not make a sound. Was I out of line?

"I have," his response finally came. "And believe me when I say he had fancied somebody else too. Temptation is everywhere, it's a normal part of life. What matters is that you're not tempted and stay faithfully by your partner's side."

"I have feelings for Tony," came my admission. "Nardhia is understandably upset. What should I do? Should I conceal my feelings from him and keep on denying it if he ever ask me?"

"I know you do," he answered. "I didn't say anything because I trust the three of you to be mature about it. Listen, why don't you invite Tony to discuss this among yourselves? Bring him to a café or something. If he's truly your best friend, this shouldn't jeopardize your friendship."

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