Chapter 2: Evening Mixer, the Co-ed Fraternity, and New Professors

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August 19th 2626 (from Nardho's journal 38 years ago)

NS1: Hey Dho, what are you gonna bring to tonight's mixer? I don't wanna bring the same thing you'll bring, so let me know. Tony and I are undecided about the menu.

I received a text from Nardhia this morning at nine fifteen when I was in the middle of helping Moira order some textbooks online. Today marked the official beginning of the fall semester and at six in the evening us sophomores were supposed to meet in the lobby of biochemistry building to attend a ceremony meant to welcome new faculty members and incoming freshmen. I guess you could call it a departmental open house or an orientation of some sort, although it was also co-hosted by the Intercultural Forum and the Iota Rho Sigma society. I knew a bit about the former because I was elected as their secretary, but I had very little knowledge of the latter apart from the fact that my sister's boyfriend had formed it with the ex-boyfriend Wyatt.

It was kind of weird how Wyatt went from someone I seriously despised to someone I did not mind hanging around. It didn't happen overnight, of course not, but it was still bizarre. He had to earn his place before Moira and I acknowledged him as the seventh person in our friendship group, but as far as we were concerned his second apology to Nardhia was good enough to grant him a spot in our inner circle. The first apology was a total disaster, though. Shoot, my mind drifted off. Okay, time to reply to my twin before she floods my message App with infinite amount of "bro, bro, bro, bro!!" and angry emoji. That girl can be very impatient at times. Sigh.

NS2: Eh, I dunno. Something sweet maybe? Or something savory. Both?

NS1: Why are you so vague with your answer? C'mon, you're not being helpful.

NS2: At least give me some options, like chicken vs tuna, mushroom vs tofu.

NS1: Okay, okay. Sheesh. Tony and I are thinking of barbecue vs stew.

NS2: Stew sounds great. How much veggies should I put, though? You know we have someone who hates vegetables around here *cough* my girlfriend *cough*

NS1: Why are you asking me? Ask her yourself, you silly old Pooh.

NS2: Okay, I will. Meet you at yours and Tony soon? Like maybe half past ten?

NS1: Alright, see you. Rain and Vannie said they will join too.

Moira was reading the texts along and I immediately could tell she was not pleased that I had brought up her dislike of vegetables. I just grinned and she shook her head while shrugging. "You know, honey, if you're the one cooking, I'll eat anything because it's your cooking. I'm not gonna enjoy it, but I'll tolerate it," she said while squeezing my shoulders. I smiled triumphantly. Moira can never really get angry with me, she is quick to forgive my teasing.

"Good, Neesa will be sad if you don't eat any veggie. Are carrots and potatoes okay?"

"I prefer Vidalia onion and a bit of red bell pepper. I like sweeter flavors."

The thing about Moira's developmental disorder is that it also causes her to have avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. I have never tried to coax her to try foods that are out of her comfort zone because I could only imagine what it was like to be averse to certain smell and sight, but Neesa was concerned about her cousin and so I took it upon myself to convert Moira into a vegetable lover. No such luck so far, but at least she has never turned her nose up at my cooking. I have always tried to incorporate things she does like: garlic, ginger, or mustard seeds.

We arrived at Nardhia's and Tony's at the agreed upon time and I was surprised to see the kitchen were crowded with young students I have never seen before. My assumption would be that Tony had invited them to potentially be inducted as new members of his society. I was right.

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