"Jesus Christ, this is Fagan O'Malley." Priest uttered shocked. "Wait...the 18-year-old kid that works at Ellie's Diner," Said the Unholy as it registered in his mind.

Fagan O'Malley was an orphaned kid who was offered a job at Ellie's Diner after Willow found him searching for food in the dumpster behind the building.  Fagan let it be known that he wanted to prospect for the club one day. 

Unfortunately, he had to wait until he was 21.  Menace didn't like the idea of kids prospecting so the club voted that all potential members had to be at least 21 years old before they could prospect.

"Damn, he was just a kid." Ice mumbled sadly. 


Axle placed his phone on the kitchen counter after getting off with Priest. "The body is Fagan O'Malley." He informed Blake, then looked over to Charlie. 

"The kid from the diner?" Blake asked seeking clarification.  Axle nodded.  "How old was he?" Charlie asked, sadden by the news.  "He was only 18," Axle answered.  "Willow's going to be crushed."  "She adored that kid, treated him like a son," Blake said.

Even though Fagan wasn't old enough to prospect, this hit home for the club. Everyone knew him.  On his days off, he would hang out at the compound, sometimes helping Maddox behind the bar or cleaning up around the place.  Everyone thought Fagan was a great kid.

"Come on baby, you've had quite the day, let's get you some rest." Axle sighed, holding his hand out to her.  Charlie nodded and placed her hand in his.  Axle led her to the bedroom while Blake got comfortable on the couch, immediately turning on the television.

"Go ahead and get undressed while I run a bath for you." He said, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.  Charlie appreciated how gentle Axle was being with her.  She wasn't a delicate flower as some may perceive her to be not understanding how she grew up, but even for her, she had moments that were too heavy for her to burden.

She slowly unbuttoned her shirt; which was stained with Fagan's blood on it. Unknowingly, her hands began to tremble as images flash in her mind of the young boy's head being thrown at her.

Charlie breathes out trying to calm herself.  She felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist.  Axle tightened his embrace, his lips brushing lightly against her ears.  "I've got you," He whispers, "I've always got you."

It didn't take long before Axle removed his clothes and joined her in the bathtub.  Charlie leaned against his chest as he gently caressed her arms, lightly splashing the water around them.

"Did he have any family?" She asked about Fagan.  Axle sighed.  "No baby, he was an orphan."  "Willa found him one day digging for food in the dumpster behind the diner."  "He never told us much about his life."

"Willow loved that kid like he was her own."  "We all did."  "He wanted to prospect when he turned 21." Axle explained.  Charlie turned her head ever so slightly to face Axle.  She could sense Fagan's murder was weighing heavily on him.  She gently caressed her hand along his face.  Axle tilted his head down and kissed her softly.  Charlie felt an ache between her legs.  She needed him. 

Breaking away from him, she maneuvered her body, so her legs were straddling his waist.  Axle stroked his hands from her neck towards the valley of her breast.  He lightly brushed his thumb over her olive nipple, earning a moan from her.  Axle loved how his touch affected her.  The mixture of lust and pleasure in her eyes motivated him even more.

Charlie let out a gasp when Axle latched on to one of her nipples and began sucking and tugging.  She leaned forward and slammed her hand against the bathroom tile.  "Eric," She moaned.  "That's right baby, say my name." He smirked while continuing to assault her breasts, taking turns from the left to the right.

Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now