📖Hope's peak: Parenting Diaries👶

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Kazuichi: Chad..Can I call you Chad?

Camera crew member Steve : My name is Stev-

Kazuichi: Anyway Bob

Camera crew member Steve : I said Ste-

Kazuichi: The talent show really isn't my business now is it?

Camera crew member Steve : But aren't Keebo and Angie participatin-?

Kazuichi: What they do during their free time doesnt concern me

Camera crew member Steve : They are your children

Kazuichi: Yeah and?

Camera crew member Steve : What your Kids do is your busines-

Kazuichi: Look Fred

Camera crew member Steve : My name is Ste-

Kazuichi: I don't tell you how to raise your kids so you don't tell me how to fucking raise mine run me a cheque before you run me your mouth

Camera crew member Steve : I-

Kazuichi: Speaking of kids I need to pick up mine from school see you

*Door slams*

Camera crew member Steve : Damn that one there..might have...actually hurt my feelings well no matter the show must go on.Introducing the sweetest hope angel ever and no I don't mean Hajime

💫Ultimate Hope Makoto Togami 💫

Makoto: Hello Steve how are you today?

Camera crew member Steve : Oh no one *ahem*no one has asked me that this whole morning thank you

Makoto: Well I'm glad

Camera crew member Steve: So the talent show is here, what do you plan on doing with your son?

Makoto: Oh as long as my Sushi has fun thats all I care about

Camera crew member Steve: You see this is why I like you Makoto your so swee-

Makoto: But I will personally torture anyone who dares stand in my child's way from winning this bitch

*Lightning and Thunder Strike*

Camera crew member Steve: Did you see the Lightning behind yo-?

Makoto: But anyway I'm sure its going to be fun for Shiuchi

Camera crew member Steve: Right right well thanks for your time Makoto

Makoto: My pleasure have a nice day Steve

*Door shuts*

Camera crew member Steve: They don't pay me enough to do this shit hell I doubt they'll even pay me at all but no matter please welcome captain OJ himself

🍊Ultimate Hope Hajime Komaeda🍊

Camera crew member Steve: So Mr Hope himself,these going to be a talent show tomorrow and the readers are dying to know what are your thoughts on it?

Hajime: Well Jake

Camera crew member Steve: Stev- you know what it's not worth it go on

Hajime: This is the perfect opportunity for me to show the world that talents don't matter and that a reserve can just be as talented as an ultimate

*Cricket noises*

Camera crew member Steve: I'm sorry could you say that again

Hajime: For years ultimates think they're talented than everyone just because they were bOrN wiTh a TaLeNt

Camera crew member Steve: Well yeah that's why they're called ultimates because they have a talent that makes them talen-

Hajime: Well I say no more to that way of thinking,I Hajime Fucking Komaeda will prove to the world that talents don't matter and that reserves can be talented too

Camera crew member Steve: Ok but how?

Hajime:By winning this damn talent show Ofcourse

Camera crew member Steve: But Hajime correct me if I'm wrong but this is a kids talent show

Hajime: Yes

Camera crew member Steve: For you know children

Hajime: I am well aware

Camera crew member Steve: So your daughter Chiaki and son Kokichi who are ultimates will be the ones participating not yo-

Hajime: I beg you damn pardon?

Camera crew member Steve: I'm just saying how will you prove that talents don't matter by winning the talent show using your children who are ultimates?

Hajime: Well I..

Camera crew member Steve: It sounds a little stupid to me

Hajime: Steve what talent do you have?

Camera crew member Steve: I er..well

Hajime: Speak up I don't think the readers can read your mind

Camera crew member Steve: I don't have a talent

Hajime: Exactly and what talent do I have?

Camera crew member Steve: Every talent

Hajime: Every single last one so do us all a huge favour and keep your opinions to yourself

Camera crew member Steve: Dang I was just trying to understand yo-

Hajime: If I wanted you to understand I would be your teacher but I'm not so I really don't care,is the interview over?

Camera crew member Steve: I..well yes, I guess it is

Hajime: Perfect have a nice day Henry

*Walks out*

Camera crew member Steve: He didn't even close the door- ok I'm done with these interviews. Can someone please give me a glass of orange juice

Komahina And Hinakiyo short stories Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat