Chapter 18 - Childhood friends

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Ivan and the group soon reached Callista mansion. Ivan opened the door and stepped out elegantly. He then proceeded to take Lana out of her seat. She was still fast asleep. All that excitement must have drained all her energy.

"You're back."

The group turned around to meet Kai's calm gaze.

"Yeah, where is everyone?"

"They're all inside watching the news."

Ivan walked as he spoke with Kai and the other two followed closely behind them.


In the hall

"Let me introduce you guys, this is Leon, my best friend. Ivan said as he gestured his hand towards Leon.
"The woman in the guest room is Lana, an acquaintance of mine. And this is- "


"Big brother Dominic!" He exclaimed as he run and wrapped his arm around Dominic's neck. Dominic smiled as he patted his head.

"It's been a while. Are you hurt? Are you okay?"

"It was scary, but I'm okay!" He said cheerfully.

"That's Good," Dominic said with a doting smile.

Ivan watched this intimate display and couldn't help feeling jealous.

"Do you you know each other?" Ivan asked, trying not to sound annoyed.

"Yeah, we grew up together! But we haven't seen each other in a while." Jade answered, his voice still cheerful.

"Oh, I see," Ivan replied, his tone slightly flat.

After the introductions, they all sat in the hall to play games as Ivy showed the newcomers around.

Two weeks went by in a flash.

Almost everyone got along and training was going great.

Ivan still disliked Jade. He was just too intimate with Dominic. He would always hug him, always hold his hand, sit on his lap, it was so annoying. And that delicate attitude of his was even more irritating.

He did tell Dominic his feelings but he just brushed it off saying it was all harmless. Ivan trusted Dominic but he couldn't shake this weird feeling. But he put that aside.

They had just finished lunch when they heard the doorbell ring. Ivan was the closest to the door so he went to open the gate, Astra and the girls followed suit. It was a man in uniform.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" Ivan was surprised. Even though he knew what the man was here for, this situation wasn't supposed to happen until three weeks later. Did the plot change again?

With a red face, the man clumsily handed him a letter and hurriedly left.

Ivan closed the gate and turned around. He knew the exact contents of this letter. He peeled the seal off and steadily opened it.

"What does it say?" Ivy asked curiously.

"It says we all have to report to the broadcasting building in three days for registration and ability testing. It also says that half of city A is now zombie-free and city A base has been officially established."

"Wait! They cleared half the city already?!" Mira exclaimed in shock.

In the original game, it didn't explain how many people turned into zombies within the city. But with what he knows it shouldn't be a lot, so it was actually believable.

"Let's just go inside and inform the others," Kai said, she had been a little quiet for a few days. We all asked but she said she was just tired.

We all nodded and headed inside.

Dominic and the others were in the living room. The twins were playing in the corner. And the rest were sitting on the sofa, waiting for their food to digest.

Ivan gave the letter to Dominic and he read the contents aloud.

"Wow! They already established a survivor base? That's so cool!" Jade said, his eyes widening in excitement.

Ivan was really tempted to roll his eyes.

"Is that so?" Dominic said with a doting smile as he patted his head. He was really too cute.

Ivan was burning with jealousy but his expression didn't change in the slightest. He continued to convince himself that it was because they grew up together and nothing else. With that thought in mind, he even felt slightly ashamed to be jealous because of a friendly exchange between two childhood friends.

"We have nothing to prepare so, everyone should rest for now," Ivan said, his voice calm.

"Umm, big brother Dominic, my tummy hurts a little..." Jade said, as he shifted uncomfortably.

Dominic looked worriedly at him and started rubbing his stomach.

"Does it feel better now?" He asked, his tone slightly teasing.

"Yes, it feels much better all thanks to you," Jade responded as he smiled brightly.

Ivan watched this display and steadily left. The twins followed suit and so did the girls.

The next three days, Ivan didn't come out of his room. He adjusted the system space and steadily made his way to level 11. He spent time learning to control his wind ability.

The day for registration finally came.

Name: Jade CohenAge: 20Ability: Plant

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Name: Jade Cohen
Age: 20
Ability: Plant

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