Chapter 16- It's begun

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Ivan woke up in a daze. He thought about what happened yesterday, his mind was a little muddled so he didn't react for a while.

[Host! Host! Thank goodness you're awake! You've been sleeping for two days! I was so worried] He was really worried ah, that hooligan! He understands that it was their first time and he would be a little excited but he didn't have to exhaust his host to this extent!

Ivan finally reacted. He blushed. 'That bastard! Even after he pulled out at dawn, he still continued to excessively stimulate me! I thought I would go crazy! He still went for another round even after all that!'

[Host! You've missed your meeting with Leon. But don't worry I texted him that you wouldn't be able to make it and he said to make an appointment when you're free.]

'Good job, Momo, you're the best system ever.'

Momo blushed. He was a little shy ah.

Ivan sat up with difficulty and asked,

"Is there anything in the store that can help ease the pain and erase the marks?"

[Of course!]

[Lovers' second sweetheart
Description: Feeling exhausted and sore after performing the devil's tango? Then this pill is for you! Not only does it help with the pain and exhaustion, it even erases the love bites from your skin. It is very effective hence the name. Get yours now only 399! ]

' I'll buy it'

Almost immediately a pink pill with intricate designs dropped on the pillow next to Ivan. That's when Ivan realised that Dominic wasn't in the room. Ivan put those thoughts aside, he wasn't in the mood to think about that bastard.

Ivan took the pill and swallowed it. The effect was instant. Right after taking the pill, Ivan felt energised again. He slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. He tried his best to ignore the sticky liquid flowing down his thighs.

Ivan walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed.

[Host, you must be very hungry ah]

'No, not really-' Grrrrrrrrrr

' *cough* maybe a little ' Ivan blushed

Momo chuckled, his host really was the cutest~.

Momo wanted to say something else but suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Ivan, are you awake?"

Ivan turned his head to the source of the noise. It was Kai's voice.

Ivan walked to the door and turned the handle. As soon as he opened the door, he found himself buried in what seemed like soft jello.

"I'm so sorry Ivan if I hadn't told you and Mira to dance none of this would have happened."

"I c-can't breathe."

"I'm so sorry!" Kai immediately released him.

Ivan violently gasped for air before silently turning to look at Kai.

Kai immediately held Ivan's hands and started apologising again; Golden translucent tears running down her face.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault. How could you have known he would walk in at that very moment?"

"Really? You don't blame me?" Kai looked at him doubtfully.

"Of course." Ivan gave her a reassuring smile.

"That's great!" She said as she stuffed Ivan into her bountiful chest once again.

Ivan couldn't help but think, if he were straight, He would probably be hard right now but fortunately he wasn't otherwise that would have made the situation really awkward. But he was quite surprised. Kai always seemed so calm and collected, who would have thought she would make such a fuss over nothing. But it was very comforting to know that she cared about him.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

They both turned their heads only to see Ivy standing there with her hands on her hips.

She walked in large strides and tore Ivan away from Kai's arms and hugged him protectively, burying his face in her ample chest.

Ivy: "We're you trying to seduce him? He's millions of years younger than you!"

Kai: "Oh please, don't try and project your thoughts about yourself unto me you shameless succubus."

Ivy: "Huh?! Did you just call me a succubus?! At least I have the qualifications to be one, I mean look at my chest. It's obviously three times bigger than yours!"

Kai: " Why don't you directly turn into a cow then?! It'd be a great loss for the dairy industry if you don't enter an Animal farm!"

Ivy: "Why you-"

Ivan watched as the two bickered and was at a loss. He didn't know what to do.

Momo silently watched this scene and suddenly had the illusion of a pair of concubines trying to curry favour with the emperor or was he simply thinking too much.

"Enough! It's this early in the morning and yet you guys have started again!"

They all turned their heads to see Mira standing there with a look of irritation on her face.

"Both of you, downstairs, now!"

Kai and Ivy glared at each other for a few seconds before steadily walking down the stairs.

"We're they always like this?" Ivan asked. He was quite curious

Mira sighed, " Unfortunately, ever since they were young they would always bicker over everything. Even though they fight a lot they still care for each other. After we came here I thought it had toned down a little but I guess not. Mira smiled wryly.

Ivan chuckled. He really enjoyed being around these guys. He wished it could last forever.

Days passed and the apocalypse drew nearer and nearer. Ivan was still angry with Dominic and refused to talk to him. Dominic tried to coax him and made little progress but apart from that, everyone seemed to be getting along well.

Finally, the day had arrived. The day the world would be thrown into unprecedented chaos. The Apocalypse.

Word count: 970

Like, comment and follow. I have an exam tomorrow God willing. Wish me luck~ luv you guys ~😘

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