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"I feel so useless. I can't help the team, and now you won't even let me help you," Keith glared at the floor, crossing his arms. Lance sighed, scooting close to Keith again."You're helping yourself and our pups, Keith. You're helping them grow and stay safe," Lance spoke calmly, beginning to rub Keith's back again. Keith sighed, leaning against Lance."I guess you're right. I'm going to try and get some sleep, be quiet when you come in," Keith murmured, standing up and pulling the sheets back. Lance nodded, watching as the omega climbed into bed and covered up. It was late when Lance finally returned to their new bedroom with the last box. Sighing, Lance kicked off his shoes and laid back. He was too tired to change, so Lance crawled under the covers next to Keith. Lance cuddled into Keith's back, pressing a small kiss to the omega's nape. How was Lance supposed to defend the universe and care for his family? Lance hated leaving Keith as the castle to go on missions. He pressed his face into Keith's back, taking in the smell of strawberries and vanilla. Allowing his eyes to flutter shut, Lance found himself falling. Opening his eyes, Lance looked around, finding himself in his childhood bedroom. The room was dim, moonlight sifting through the curtains. Lance smiled to himself, running his hand across the window seal. The sound of an infant crying soon pulled Lance from his thoughts, making the alpha look around."Keith?" Lance's voice felt muffled as he called out for his omega. Lance exited the small room and found himself in the med bay, hands covered in blood. Becoming frantic, Lance looked around the room, trying to locate Keith. A sob caught in his throat as he found what looked like his bloodied omega on the flood. Lance looked at his hands in disbelief. He was holding a pup but, its face was cold and colorless.Lance flinched awake, tears flowing down his cheeks. Looking around, Lance began to calm down."It was just a dream..." Lance reassured himself. Letting out a sigh, Lance hugged himself and looked over at Keith. The alpha laid back down, cuddling up to Keith carefully. He pressed his face into the omega's shoulder, trying to gain some comfort from his nightmare. Eventually, Lance calmed himself to a point where he could go back to sleep. Lance didn't allow himself to fall asleep, only doze off, making his sleep light and fitful. After not sleeping well, Lance was left with dark circles under his eyes and feeling like he had been hit by a truck. Sighing, Lance dragged himself out of bed and got dressed before waking up Keith."Kitten... It's time to wake up," Lance murmured, rubbing the omega's shoulder. Keith groaned, swatting the alpha's hand away. "I don't wanna get up," Keith whined, looking up at Lance, his mouth pulled into a frown. "I know, but you gotta have some breakfast," Lance spoke calmly, placing a kiss on Keith's forehead. The omega scrunched his nose, again batting at Lance. Lance raised a brow and took a step back from Keith."I'll leave you alone, but you have to get up, alright?" Lance said, crossing his arms before entering the bathroom. Sighing, Keith pulled himself out of bed, whimpering as he did so."Fuck..." Keith mumbled, holding his belly up a bit. The omega entered the bathroom, standing next to Lance. "Hey," Lance murmured, looking over at Keith as he finished getting ready. "When do you think the pups are gunna come?" He asked, shuffling behind Keith and beginning to braid the omega's hair."Well, maybe tomorrow, or by the end of the week," Keith sighed. "I feel like I'm about to burst," The omega sighed out. Lance nodded, giving Keith a slight hug. "Let's go get some breakfast, and then we can cuddle while I rub your belly. Deal?" Lance asked, grinning slightly."Deal," Keith agreed, a smile tugging at his lips. Entering the kitchen, Lance began to get some things for Keith to eat. Keith frowned. His back and feet were killing him. The omega groaned, trying to relieve the pain in his lower back and pelvis."Are you alright, Keith?" Lance asked, looking over at Keith."Yeah... My back is just killing me," Keith sighed, rubbing his hips. "I must've slept funny,""Hm..." Lance hummed out, turning back to Keith's breakfast. "I can give you a back massage when we get back to our room if you'd like," Lance offered, smiling a bit."That'd be nice," Keith sighed, frowning as a warm liquid began to seep into his pajama pants. "Ugh, I think I just wet myself," Keith huffed, looking at his wet pants in disgust. "I'm going to change," The omega murmured and shuffled out of the kitchen.

Hahahahahaha time for more angst yet again. Prepare yourself for the next chapter

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