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Keith ran away from Lance and into the two's bedrooms. He locked the door and looked down at his aching wrist. "Fuck..." Keith said to himself as he locked the bedroom door. He paced around the room, trying to calm himself down. "I fucked up... I made Lance angry..." Keith mumbled to himself. His heart was pounding in his chest as he winced in pain. The omega looked down at his wrist that was now beginning to swell uncomfortably. Keith tried to move his hand, but even a meager movement shot pain through Keith's arm. Shaking his head, Keith entered the bathroom and grabbed some ace bandages. Keith carefully wrapped his wrist before taking some painkillers and laying down. As the adrenaline went down, the pain skyrocketed. Laying down, Keith closed his eye and tried to sleep. Sleep didn't come easily, but when Keith did fall asleep, his sleep was light and broken.Lance returned to their room after a while. He felt regretful for what he had done, so he had Hunk help him bake something. Pastelitos de Guayaba y Queso. Lance's Abuela had always made these for him and his siblings. Making the Cuban pastries was much harder than Lance remembered. His Abuela had always helped him make them. Because they were in space, Lance had to improvise with the ingredients. With Hunk's help, Lance made something similar to the four components. He put the pastries in the oven. The smell of the treats flooded Lance's mind with happy memories. Once the cakes were finished, Lance loaded them onto a plate. Lance began heading towards Keith's room.Opening the door, Lance looked at Keith and frowned. Keith shifted in pain as he slept. Lance sat the pastries on the nightstand. He placed the back of his hand on Keith's forehead. "Fever..." Lance sighed, taking a step back from Keith. He frowned before sitting down next to the boy. Lance began to sing as he brushed some hair out of the omega's face."A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella mi niña tiene sueño," Lance sang softly in Spanish, watching as the restless omega began to settle down. Smiling softly, Lance continued to sing."bendito sea, bendito sea a la nanita nana, nanita ella," Lance's voice was gentle and caring. Even though he had fucked up, Lance was determined to mend the damage he had created. He was going to fix this."nanita ella mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea," Lance whispered, finishing the verse. He got up off the bed and went into the bathroom to see if he could find anything for Keith's fever. Lance rummaged through the medicine cabinet but couldn't find anything that would help. Sighing in defeat, Lance walked back out to the bedroom to find Keith awake. "Hey, How are you feeling, Kitten," Lance asked as he walked over to the omega. "I noticed you're running a temperature," He said gently and placed a hand on Keith's forehead."It hurts..." Keith said quietly, holding his wrapped wrist out to Lance. Lance gently held Keith's hand up. He was trying not to injure the omega any further."I'm sorry I hurt you, Kitten," The alpha said, placing Keith's hand down. "Do you want some painkillers, or do you wanna have Coran check it? We can do whatever you want, Kitten," Lance continued to speak gently to his omega. "Ah, I made you some treats too, if you want any," He said, offering the plate to Keith. Keith shook his head."No, thank you... I'd like some more pain medicine, and I'll go to Coran if it doesn't start getting better in the next few days..." The omega murmured, hugging himself slightly. Lance nodded, quickly filling Keith's requests by grabbing Keith the bottle of painkillers and a glass of water. Keith carefully grabbed two red capsules and took them with his drink. He laid back down and let out a silent sigh."Can you sing to me again, Lance?" Keith asked quietly, looking up at Lance. The alpha smiled and sat down by Keith's legs."Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you," Lance began, holding one of Keith's hands."Shall I stay? Would it be a sin if I can't help falling in love with you?" His voice flowed smoothly as each note was gently articulated. A small smile grew on Keith's lips as he joined in."Like a river flows surely to the sea darling, so it goes some things are meant to be," Keith sang quietly, his voice shyer than the other."Take my hand, take my whole life too," Lance continued, squeezing Keith's hand."For I can't help falling in love with you," The two harmonized, their voices meshing together perfectly.

Sorry the updates are coming later than usual.😅 I know I said I'd post more but clearly not. Oop Anyways enjoy!

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