16.Bangkok: Teleporting

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" Well, we need to get ready. It's 6:00 in the morning, and by 6:30, we're leaving. I mean we have a guide with us, but it's gonna be completely private." Jungkook said and I was totally excited and pleased to spend my whole day with this spectacular alpha with me.

" I am Jungkook, I booked a private trip for both of us." He greeted our private guide for the day.

" How about we explore Thailand driving bicycles? You can stop anywhere you desire to" the guide addressed. He seems to be a pretty good guy and most importantly he can speak English.

" Sounds good. How about you Jimin?" He asked me and I am ashamed to say that I have never ridden on a bicycle before.

" I have never ridden a bicycle," I mumbled and pouted. I seriously wanted to but I just don't know how to. It's not like I will get balance in a day or can learn how to ride a car by YouTube videos! So that's not attainable right now.

" You possibly have something for the couple's I guess." Jungkook conversed with the guide and here I am on the back of the couple cycle just pedaling while Jungkook sits in front and works with the whole direction thing.

The heart of Thailand, the Chinatown, the wind rustling around my hair, and the aroma of food while we pass, everything was great.

After about three hours, I asked Jungkook to stop somewhere where breakfast is available.

We had our breakfast and proceeded on the journey. Jungkook looks hot riding this. When did he ever look not hot? I wonder.

It was getting hotter so we opted for something else.

" What about visiting the golden buddha? It's just famous here." I yelled. It was the first thing that I noticed while searching for something in Bangkok and here we are standing in front of the huge Buddha sculpture and it is indeed huge.

The day progressed with us getting into a boat again and exploring the floating market which I highly thought dangerous because people can asphyxiate! But that's maybe because I am damn phobic but Jungkook assured me throughout the journey. And it just helped a lot. This is specifically the person I wanted to be with. When I glance into his eyes all I witness is love. And this isn't something forced. If it's forced it never really is love. All my life, I was influenced by my parents and brothers. Don't do this you will get hurt was the thing that I heard from childhood. They cared for me but they forgot to mold me to stand on my own feet. Even now whenever I make decisions, I just don't know if I am right but I have learned to take risks and speak for myself when I should.

The ride was wonderful and I bought some stuff for my brothers and my inlaws. Jungkook for even once never told me to do this or that. If I am not comfortable he always made sure that I am comfortable and that's the part of Jungkook I love the most.

We were tired enormously and I wanted to get some sleep before we advanced with sightseeing.

" Jungkook. Can we rest for a while? I am too tired." And he chuckled and nodded comprehending me and my tired self.

" Well, I will call the manager and we will get the car. Is that fine?" I nodded. We sat in a park and soon our car came and we both hopped on and I jumped to his lap and nuzzled his crooks and fell asleep shortly. He carried me to our room.

I woke up to see Jungkook still having his deep slumber. I smiled and it was already 5 pm and this is the last day we are gonna be in Bangkok and we shouldn't just spend it inside a hotel room.

Jungkook and I dressed up quickly after a short bath and went to see the sunset. We were boarded on a ship and they took us to the middle of the sea and there it was the sun looking so round and red. It slowly went inside the blue ocean and Jungkook was busy taking our pics and I posed for some.

After watching a beautiful sunset in Bangkok, it was finally time for dinner and it was arranged inside our private suite.

It was perfect Jungkook ordered red wine too. And it was a perfect room date.

" I love you Jungkook. You are just too good for me. I mean it. " I mumbled smiling at him.

" Well, you have no idea how much perfect you are Jimin. You stood for me against your whole family and you are the one who mended the broken part inside my heart. And I love you too. I mean this too. " he kissed my forehead.

" Oh! I forgot the camera charger. How will we take pics if there is no charge and there are no outlets of this company here and I fucked up! Shit! " he pouted.

" Jungkook will you freak out if I do something?" I asked him nervously.

" No? Why would I do that? " he replied.

" Wait here! " I said.

" Luna and Mother Earth take me to the place I want," I mumbled.

After few minutes:

" I am back" I squealed and kissed Jungkook in his cheeks while he had his mouth still wide open and doe eyes even wide.

" Jungkook, I told you not to freak out!" I rolled my eyes.

" How can I not! You vanished and you brought the charger. The same charger I left in Korea." He was barely talking. His sound was breaking still not over the shock.

" Well, this is one of my other capabilities. And sorry to freak you out!" I mumbled.

" Compulsion, Teleportation? Who are you Jimin? I mean you can take your own time and speak to me whenever you want." I nodded. This isn't the time.

" well, if you have notified me about this we could have come here without wasting our time sitting inside an airplane. " he pouted.

" Are you really that stupid to get us both inside the jail?" I asked him surprised.

" Well, we can escape from there too." He was way too excited.

" Okay! So we become international criminals wanted across the world! What the hell! " I told him.

Jungkook is probably having a mental breakdown after my show.

" Oh!" I laughed and he laughed too and we both cuddled ourselves to sleep.

It was our last day in Bangkok. We were leaving for Pattaya tomorrow and I just can't wait to soak in sun and have a peaceful time on the beach.

A short chapter, I promise to give you more lengthy chapters! love you! Thanks for reading this crap! DID YOU VOTE? hahaha I just thought to remind you. pwease vote !!

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