8.The Announcement Party(1)

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First half of the story is written as a third person. But second half of the story is written in Jimin's POV. Because I thought I was missing his character in details. He is not an omega who cries for everything. He has trust issues and there are secrets which Jimin still has to disclose. Same with Jungkook. So let's go!

Both of them attended their phones. It was Tae calling Jimin and Suga calling Jungkook.


V: hey chimmy, how long I have been trying to get to you? Where are you? Your phone was out of reachable.

Chim: oh! Well, I am coming home now. Don't worry. Bye.

With that Jimin cut the call. He knew he would get an earful if he said he is safe with Jungkook. So it's fairer to get yelled at home rather than having to double the time.

Jk and suga:

Suga: Don't tell me you kidnapped Jimin. His brother is giving me a tough time. He even scratched me when I said he would be fine saying I don't know and Jimin is a baby.

Jk : well, don't tell your omega that my omega is with me. We are both coming back home. Bye

Suga: Hey brat!!!!

Jungkook could hear his brother screaming on the other side of the phone and he chuckled.

" Seems like we should leave now." Jungkook whispered to Jimin.

" Yeah, I just can't wait to get taunted by my brothers my alpha!" Jimin replied chuckling.

With that they both started their journey back home.

" Saga is in love with Sparkle. He says she is so cheerful, precious and the compliments are countless." Jungkook laughed at his wolf.

I defined it because our omega is so damn special you foolish human!

Jungkook scoffed at his wolf and rolled his eyes.

" Sparkle tells me about Saga too. Their mate bond started at the time they met but I was wondering why can't we mind link?" Jimin said confused.

Jimin mind link between you and your human mate starts only after he marks you as his. Sparkle squealed in excitement.

" So when do you intend to mark me?" Jimin asked innocently.

Jungkook stopped the car unexpectedly. A sudden brake.

" What the hell Jungkook? Who stops a car like that? Don't you want to mark me?" Jimin asked worried of rejection.

Jimin, you honestly know how he marks you right? I want it lets do this. Let's have sex! I am so ready.

Jimin's Pov:

Sparkle is being a horny ass bitch. Wait sex? Oh my luna! I fucked up! I don't even know how this sex actually works and I asked him that?

**************end of pov***************

" You want me to Mark you Jimin?" Jungkook asked huskily. His voice suddenly was in low tone.

" whoa! Whoa! Wait up Jungkook. I mean let's wait till the deadline." Jimin was preventing eye contact with him.

Jungkook chuckled and spoke.

" Jimin, I know you don't precisely know what mating and marking is! Saga told me. You look so cute while you are shy baby." Jungkook smirked.

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