I was about to go with the twins as well but Mabel stayed behind. I stopped in my tracks realizing she wasnt following.

"Wait! You guys! He's in pain. We can't just ditch him here." Mabel called out as Dipper turned around as well.

"Come on, Mabel, it's Robbie." Dipper said as I nodded.

"But he's suffering. How can I be happy if I know someone else is sad? It totally throws off my happiness chart." She said as I blinked a few times trying to process what she just said.

"A what chart now?" I questioned as she pulled out a piece of paper with everyone's faces drawn and a smilely face next to them exceptionally for Robie's.

"Mabel, trust me. If there's one thing I've learned this summer, it's not to get mixed up in needless romantic drama." Dipper said as I tightened my grip on the paper. Of course he was avoiding romance. I shouldn't get worked up over it.

"Besides, we're finally in with Wendy's friends. With Robbie gone, there's a good social balance. Maybe we should let the good thing be, you know." He continued as Mabel sighed taking the sheet from me and looking at it.


I was at the Shack restocking the shelves with Dipper helping. Mabel and Wendy were by the cash register and I wasn't able to pick up their conversation from where I was. Which was probably a good thing.

"What do you think they are talking about over there?" Dipper asked as I shrugged.

"Romance stuff probably. Mabel seemed pretty bumped about Robbie" i guessed as he stood there for a bit.

"Hey today at the cemetery you said you didn't want to get involved with romance drama?" I asked out of the blue as his eyes shifted around.

"W-well I mean yea kinda I guess. I don't really know to be honest just-" While he was struggling to form a sentence I chuckled causing him to grow red.

"So you're over Wendy completely then?" I asked as he nodded refusing to say another word.

"Dipper and Emma!" I heard Mabel say as I looked in her direction for some context. Unfortunately I didn't get anything so I continued stacking the shelves. Just hope she wasn't talking about match making again.


Me and Dipper were chilling with Wendy's friends. To be honest I was a bit on edge with them around. I always felt insecure around teenagers even though I am one. I had come up with an idea on how to sneak food in the festival and Dipper told them about it. So right now Thompson had several bags of chips ducktaped to him.

"Ha! This is brilliant. The perfect way to sneak cheap snacks into the concert, and it was all Dipper's idea!" Wendy said as everyone cheered while I was doodling something in a small notepad. I wasnt good at it but to hell with it if its the only thing I can do to seem busy I will draw.

"Kid, I sense greatness in you." Lee told him as he chuckled.

"Oh, well, I don't know about actually it was Em-" but he was cut off by the guys lifting him up.

"Greatness!" Lee stated as Dipper looked at me for help but I just snickered.

"Alright, now everyone go home and finish getting ready for the concert." Wendy said as Dipper was finally put on the ground.

"Come on we should go back to the Shack" I told Dipper as he nodded and both of us walked home.

"Do you think Mabel will do something about the Robbie thing?" I asked Dipper who laughed.



"All right. Who's ready for the best and most overpriced day of our summer?!" Wendy shouted as we were getting ready for the festival.

One mystery left to solve | Dipper Pines (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now