"Where's the bag?" Wolf frowned when the two delivery boys returned empty handed.

"I-It got...stolen..."

Hwangmo immediately acted and began to beat the two up. "Say that again, you fucking morons," 

"It was right in front of Yeouinaru Office...It happened so suddenly..."

An evil laughter filled the area. "Hahaha," Wolf stood up and removed his glasses. "They took the money? I see..." he tucked his glasses into his pocket and walked over to them. "But now what? What are your plans? What should we do?"

" the cops and catch those thieves..."

Wolf grabbed the boy's head. "Call the cops? Call the cops and tell them our money that came out of nowhere got stolen?" He slammed the boy's face to his knee. "You wanna call the cops!?" He delivered a few more punches. "Huh? Call the cops?" After the boy collapsed to the ground, he stopped. "Ugh, fuck..." He stood up and slid his glasses back on. "I shouldn't beat him to death now...I gotta give him a chance. Yes, a chance,"

"I'm not gonna say this again. Bring those fucking thieves to me...or bring back the money you lost. If you're not able to do either of those, you better run away...and stay hidden. 'Cause if I find you, you'll be dead," He lit a cigarette and thought back to his conversation with his older brother.

"What's this about a golden bag that can't be reported, even when stolen?"

Wolf stopped eating and looked up from his food. "Who told you about that?"

"Overheard a few Ganghak students plotting to steal it,"


"Are you stupid or what?" Fox rolled his eyes. "All I know is that one of them has green hair. Obviously I don't know their name,"

Wolf glanced over to Jared. 'Jared's not the thief since he was here the entire time. But there's a chance that he hired two people to steal it for him. Jared's one of the few guys with green hair that definitely knows about the bag. It could also be someone who overheard us and is plotting against me,'

Jared tensed up when he felt Wolf staring at him, but he tried to keep his poker face. 'D-Does he suspect me? But I did nothing to draw any suspicions to myself. I was also here when the bag was stolen, so why would he think I'm responsible for the theft? I must be overreacting. Yeah, that's it. I'm just being paranoid and overly conscious,'

The two delivery boys were too terrified to bring up the weird purple haired guy they had encountered after the bag got stolen. Besides, that guy wasn't the thief so he probably wasn't worth mentioning and wasting Wolf's time would only cause another beating.


Several emergencies had came up at Singil Vet Clinic, so Fox had prioritized those instead of hunting down Jared Sun. After all the emergencies had been taken care of, Fox had been too exhausted to do anything and took a well deserved rest.

Wolf hadn't bothered asking Fox if he had retrieved the stolen bag like he had offered. Wolf didn't need Fox's help. He could solve this problem on his own. He'd find those thieves and when he did, they'd be punished painfully.

The thieves would regret messing with Wolf Keum.


"Rowan, is that a new bag?" Fox asked during the next training session.

"I didn't buy it," Rowan claimed. "A girl lent it to me,"

"He said a girl ripped his bag to pieces and lent him hers on the condition that she gets him the same one," Eugene still found Rowan's explanation hard to believe.

Fox narrowed his eyes. "Give me the bag,"

"Huh?" Rowan asked. "But I'm supposed to eventually return this,"

"It's too suspicious and you were stupid to accept the bag," Fox said. "I'll loan you mine,"

"S-She said that I had the same bag as someone she hates!" Rowan defended. 

"And she said that she'd get you the same bag?" Fox pointed out. "If she can't control her hatred and destroys a random student's bag when she can just fucking looking away, what makes you think she'd be able to go into a store and buy the exact same bag without destroying it?" He handed a generic backpack to him.

"You do have a point..." Rowan reluctantly transferred his belongings into Fox's backpack. "But why would she give me her bag then?"

"This isn't her bag," Fox pointed at the word GOLD printed on the side. "Wolf has this on his uniform's jacket collar. His bag was stolen recently. This is his bag,"


'So Wolf's bag got stolen?' Myles thought. 'Heh, looks like Ganghak is a shit show,'

'Who would dare to steal from Wolf!?' Grape silently asked. 'That guy's a monster, even when he isn't pissed!'

"You're lucky that I'm taking this off your hands," Fox told him. "Wolf would've accused you of being the thief. I'll give him his bag back once I also finish retrieving the money. I've just been too busy lately with the clinic,"

"You should take a day off," Eugene suggested.

"If I do, Sally's gonna be overwhelmed by the amount of patients," Fox shook his head. "We're already understaffed as is," He turned to the purple haired boy. "Hey Ashur, you've been rather quiet lately. I also heard you're avoiding Donald. Something wrong?"

"I already talked to Kenny," Ashur claimed. "I'm fine. But until Donald tells me what happened to my arm, I'm not gonna talk to him unless necessary,"

Lol, imagine Fox X Eugene's Aunt. Wolf would become Eugene's uncle. 

The Thief Arc is divided into four parts.

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