"Yeah, well... those lead into the woods. This way back into the school"

"You wanna split up?"

"Never again."

"Thank God."

"Wait! Wait! Get down" Scott says.

"Why are we stopping?" Faline asks.

"It's there"

"It can't be this easy"

"Yes, it can, Scott. It can be this easy! For once, let's do easy."


"Oh, God-" Faline says when a whip wraps around Stiles' wrist so he can't touch the diverter.

"Or not"

Douglas then points his gun at Scott and Faline and shoots two bullets, the two teens disappearing in a puff of green smoke.

Faline grunts in pain when she slams into a locker next to Stiles.

"No not easy at all" Stiles grunts, scrambling to his feet and he offers Faline a hand.

"Stiles? Faline?"


"Damn, man! Are you okay?"

"I think so. I finally saw the girls' locker room. It's not that different. It's kind of disappointing"

"What did you actually expect?" Faline asks.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know. I think the worlds- I think they're collapsing in on each other" Stiles says."

Attention all passengers. The train will be arriving in eleven minutes"

"We gotta get back to the diverter," Scott says.

"Yeah, no shit," Faline says.

Stiles takes her hand before they walk through the door only to be engulfed by a green light.
Faline finds herself in the pool room and breaks into a run.

"Stiles?" She calls as she runs through the school as fast as she can. "STILES?"

Faline hears Stiles' voice and follows it to the locker room to find a ghost rider with his gun pointed at Stiles' head.

"NO!" Faline screams, pushing a blast of magic towards the ghost rider who then slumps to the floor.

Faline presses her lips to Stiles' and he quickly reciprocates the kiss.

"I thought I was going to lose you again," Faline says.

"Never again," Stiles says.

"Stiles-" Faline and Stiles turn to see Claudia Stilinski stood behind them. "Stiles, is that you?"

"Mom?" Stiles asks in shock.

"Stiles, that's not your mom," Faline says, spotting the eerie green aura surrounding Claudia.

"I know who it is. I know her voice"

"No, that's the Wild Hunt. They're tricking you. Stiles, please believe me. The Wild Hunt brought her back, but she's not real"

"What do you mean 'brought her back?'"

"Stiles... I know what you've been through. I know how much you love your father... But I love him more"

Faline pushes a shocked Stiles behind her and she glows her eyes at Claudia.

"Even from the Hunt, you somehow wormed your way back into his memory"

"Yeah, worming is one of my skills"

"That thing is conjured from your dad's pain. If he remembers you, he can't believe in her"

"That's why you have to go" Faline begins to raise her hands to blast Claudia back but Claudia's hand wraps around her throat.


Stiles is quick to grab her wrist and get it away from Faline, only for Claudia's hand to wrap around his throat.

"You shouldn't treat your mother that way"

"You're not my mother"

Faline watches in horror as Claudia slams Stiles into the wall as she rubs her throat, trying to recover.

"He believes in me. Dreams-- so hard to kill" Claudia hisses.

"But not impossible," Mr Stilinski says, firing a bullet at his wife.

"Noah. Your bullets can't hurt me"

"Fire again," Faline says, her eyes glowing.

Faline raises her hands again, directing her magic towards Claudia as Mr Stilinski fires another bullet.

Claudia disappears in a puff of smoke and the ground begins to tremble. Mr Stilinski quickly wraps a protective arm over Faline.

Faline and Stiles run up to Scott who grins.

"It's over"

"It's over"

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