"Does this mean you'll stop being a possessive moody bitch?" Josh handed the good back to the other. 

"I wouldn't have been a 'possessive moody bitch' if you didn't drool over him in the first place." Simon sneered.

"We've already had this discussion. I didn't do anything wrong. You were overreacting." 

The last sentence punched Simon in the gut straight back to a forgotten place. Somewhere that had been buried out of remembrance. Fog covering the scene lifted to reveal a more detailed memory than he would've like to see. The room felt icky after that. Simon was torn between pathetically apologizing or shouting back in an attempt of self defense. In the end he settled for the lame response,

"Whatever." His jaw crunched down on the hard candy. He picked up a random book from the cart and started paging through it to busy him.

"You can't always have everything you want, Simon." Josh teasingly said. 

"Oh that's real rich coming from you." But Simon took it seriously. The book in hand was slammed shut.

"I'm messing with you, princess." Josh deflected with a shy grin. The tactical use of the nickname pacified Simon.

"...Sorry." he muttered. Shamefully, his eyes darted to the floor.

"No worries." A light kiss was placed on the man's reddened cheek as the book was taken out of his hand.

A heated stare locked onto Harry. The petite blonde boy gleefully helped Ethan shelve books. His face was glowing. His bright eyes rarely peeled away from his new boyfriend. It was that sickeningly sweet infatuation radiating from them both. Their perfections were so fresh they couldn't get enough of it. Harry had his man and Simon had his; Yet a sense of insecurity kept Simon from enjoying his.

Josh peeked beside him to see Simon relentlessly glowering. It would be pretty funny if Simon just walked up to Harry and bitch slapped him. Or if Simon towered over him, yelling insults in his face to lay claim to Josh.

What if, while they were face to face, they kissed? What if, while the blondes kissed, Josh got to watch?

Even better, what if they knew he was watching? So they amped up the make out into a bit of a show? What if they got on their knees and clawed at his pants vying for his attention? And then he could watch them slobber all over him trying to out do each other for his approval. He could rail Harry from behind while Simon attempts to comfort him with a french kiss. Or Josh could force Simon to watch from a distance while squirming in jealousy as someone else gets Josh off.

"...Josh? Josh?"


"You okay? You zoned out pretty hard there." Simon looked down at him with concern. God, he looked so good with that tall, silver hair. "You're not high are you?"

"Shut up." Josh forced a deep kiss onto the unsuspecting boy. Simon gently pushed him off.

"Woah. Now hold on there mister-"

"Don't tell me what to do." Simon was yanked back into the kiss. He couldn't help but smile. One of the top ten things Simon loves in life is having Josh crave him so. He met Josh's aggressiveness with his own heated passion.

"Eugh. Really guys?" They heard Ethan protest. "You couldn't have just moved over one aisle first?" Josh flipped him off while shoving his liquor soaked tongue down Simon's throat. "C'mon, Harry. We'll come back to this area later."

They continued their heavy make out for another minute before Josh let go enough for Simon to break away. A hand set itself on the back of Simon's upper neck to maintain control.

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