Everyday Life In This New World~

Start from the beginning

"Cause I need you to add in your personal information in the bank account I'm making for you."

Weiss continued to write, while reading the final print carefully, not wanting to make any mistakes.

"I don't know why we can't just have a safe or jar to keep our cash in..."

The ever bored Devil Hunter then proceeds to mess around by balancing all the pins on top of his nose.

"I am not risking our money being destroyed/stolen by criminals... Or any of you/our teammates."

Weiss had an annoyed expression as she continued to do the paperwork in front of her

"... How about-"

Dante was now building a tower out of all the pens he had found, and was almost finished with his creation.

"Can You Let Me Do Something Nice For You As Thank You?!"

Weiss finally snaps at the Red Coat, which startled him and accidentally made him knock over his pencastle.

"Come on Snow Angel, I ain't no saint, there's no need to-"

Dante was about to wave off her thoughts of repaying him, thinking it was very unnecessary, but was once again cut off by the Ice Queen.

"Well There Is! We Owe You A Lot Dante, And Whether You Like It Or Now, We Will Repay You For All The Nice Thing You've Done For Us!..."

He could see a lot of emotions coming from Weiss, despite how angry she looked and acted; he could definitely see the side of her that no one else would be able to see. This made the Devil Hunter sigh.

"... So are we sharing the same bank account or separate?"

Dante sat back down, no longer messing around and simply held up his paper and pen, ready to do some actual work; which made the Schnee smile softly.

"It's a little bit of both, I was planning on-"

Weiss continues to explain the money/banking plan, while the Red Coat listens and helps out wherever he can... Meanwhile, we see Ruby Rose messing with Dante's weapons and her own, while also surrounded by various tools, equipment, and dust; she looks at the designs and makes some hand-drawn blueprints of ideas she may want to try.

"So little dork, you feeling alright?"

This startled Miss Rose as she looked away from her work and saw Dante walking up to her, holding up two bowls of Strawberry Sunday's ice cream.

"U-Ummm, what are you talking about?"

Ruby wore an innocent-looking expression, trying her best to avoid his gaze, which was filled with narrowed eyes of concern.

"Being the youngest person, I thought this situation would be more devastating for someone like you."

He kicked up a chair that landed next to the Devil Huntress, and quickly sat next to her, and offered her a bowl; she couldn't help but look impressed and awestruck at what she just saw.

"I-I'm Not A Little Kid, I Can Handle It!"

She puffed her cheeks and tried to act all brave and such, taking her ice cream and starting to eat it; Dante didn't look impressed by that answer and leaned forward with a mix of soft and serious expressions.

"Have I ever told you the story of why I became a Devil Hunter?"

Dante decided to ask, which caused Ruby to look back up at him, taking another scoop of her ice cream.

"Um, no?"

Ruby then couldn't help but look up in curiosity, wondering where he was going with this.

"Well then Little Red Riding Hood, let me tell you a story of my not so happy origin."

The Devil Hunter pulled the Devil Huntress closer to him and ensured she was comfortable before beginning to tell her his story, to which she listened to every last detail, like about his father, his mother, his twin brother, the lives they lived, how happy they were, and how the demons took it all away from them, Ruby listened to everything.

"-In the end, after the demon attack was all over, I was all that was left, my mother dead, my father gone, and my brother missing, and with that, that's how I became me and what I am today."

Dante thought it was best to leave out some personal secrets, but he told his story and hoped it would be enough for Ruby.

"... Why did you tell me this?"

Ruby wore a very sympathetic expression after hearing his tragic past; it was enough to make her tear up in sadness.

"Cause I get the feeling we have a lot more in common than what you and I think, besides, unlike me, you have someone to support you, and understand your feelings, so remember that."

Dante then gave a gentle side hug to the Red Hoodie Girl, who tried her best not to cry and wiped away her tears, as she remembered her own deceased mother and the family and friends she would probably never see again.

"... Thank you Dante."

It was all she could say; despite how upset she felt right now, it felt good and necessary for her to let out the pent-up emotions, and now she felt so much better and so much lighter. The White Hair Man just ruffled her hair and gave a dashing smile, which made her giggle and give him a quick hug before letting go and deciding to continue working. It went better since her mind was more cleared up and focused. Dante decided to stick around and help her, and with that, the two in red sat closely together, relaxed with each other's company, and definitely felt better about themselves.

"... By the way, where's that kitty cat at?"

Meanwhile, we see Blake Belladonna in the middle of walking through some random streets in some random part of the city, all the while holding up a map.

'If this city map that Dante gave me is accurate, then I should be close to the library.'

Blake was a bit excited at the thought of going to a library in this world; she would have gone sooner, but she and her teammates had been too busy accepting their new home, and the thought of never going back to Remnant made her frown and slow her walking pace.

'If I ever go back home, I'm going to call mom and dad...'

While she was distracted with making promises for the future, she accidentally bumped into someone wearing a brown cloak and dropped her map; she panicked a bit and made sure her cat ears were still covered.

"S-Sorry, I was lost in thought, please forgive me."

Blake gave her sincerest apology to the person she bumped into, the man simply let out a small hum, before looking down at the map in his hand.

"So you're heading for the Library I see."

The Stranger couldn't help but ask, The Hidden Faunus let out a small embarrassed blush as she quickly picked up the map.

"Yeah, I love to read, so I was hoping to find this place and get a few books to take home."

Blake nodded in response to his question, which caused the man to rub his chin a bit, as if debating something.

"Hm, do you mind if I follow, I wish to look up some history for my research."

He simply replied once he had made up his mind, the Neko Ninja just shrugged.

"Sure, I don't mind."

She saw nothing wrong with helping someone find their way, so with that, the two began to walk away and started to head towards the same place they both wanted or needed to go to; the two said nothing more and continued to walk in silence.

"Oh, I'm Blake by the way, nice to meet you, who are you?"

Blake decided to share her name with the man; she doubted she'd ever see him again, but if they did cross paths, she wanted to know his name so that, should they become friends, she could reach out to him. She enjoyed meeting people who shared her love for reading and appreciated a quiet, relaxing day. There was another moment of silence between them.

"... Vergil."
Sorry if this felt messy, but with everything set up, the story may finally begin~

[BTW, the definition of DRWBY, or Druby, is to hit something very hard, so, yeah, very fitting hehe~]

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