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Both of them were exhausted due to an all-day long running to the hospital

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Both of them were exhausted due to an all-day long running to the hospital. Once they went back to y/n's apartment, none of them dared to even start a conversation nor speak, instead y/n head to her room to rest while Beomgyu head to the sofa to sleep. The night passed by gone in a blink of an eye, it's already morning. And as usual, the sun is still not rising.

After a few hours of deep slumber, y/n woke up unwillingly as her alarm clock rings. Forcing her eyelids open, she sat up on her bed before stretching her legs and arms and even yawning drowsily. When she looked over to her bedside table to look for the time, much to her surprise that it's already 9 o'clock in the morning.

She quickly looked at her phone, and thankfully, her school announced that today is another cancellation of classes due to the strange phenomenon of the sun stopped rising. She heave a deep sigh of relief, as she realized it's not really a big deal if she overslept today. But since she's already awake, she managed to stood up and head to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Heading out of the bathroom and from her room, she noticed Beomgyu is still sleeping. Upon seeing him curled up underneath a blanket on the sofa, sleeping peacefully warmed her heart and made her smile unexplainably, which she soon knock her self out by shaking her head rapidly and even slapping her cheeks.

She sat down on the floor beside him, to level herself to him as she couldn't help but to reach her hand towards him to brush his slightly messed up hair away from his face. But her hand quickly withdrew when he suddenly moved which made y/n's body froze when his eyes soon slowly opened and examined his surrounding before meeting her eyes which made a loud thud pounding inside her chest.

"G-good morning!" She stuttered to greet as she quickly moved back and pretend as if she wasn't staring at him peacefully sleeping just a few seconds ago.

Beomgyu rolled onto the sofa as he stretched his arms and legs yawning drowsily before greeting back, "good morning"

She quickly stood up on her feet to avoid any conversation that will lead to him asking why he woke up with her face close to his', which she knew she have no specific answer to that possible question. Thankfully, Beomgyu doesn't seem like in the mood to ask questions that is bothering him, he only sat up on the sofa, before cleaning the blanket and pillows he used when he slept on it.

Once y/n headed to the window and slide the curtain at the side to look outside, something out of the corner of her eyes caught her attention. Her eyes looked down to the plants and flowers on the pot she had been growing for the past 5 years now of being all alone. Her eyes widened after seeing them almost dying and withered.

"No!" she quickly took the pots and put it on top of the table. Seeing her worried like that and panicked made Beomgyu looked at him with the same confused look on his face as he stood up and head towards her.

"What happened?" Beomgyu asked, as he finally approached him. He noticed y/n looking down in disbelief to the pots containing the almost dried plants and flowers. Which soon processed inside Beomgyu's mind.

"They only need sunlight, right?" Beomgyu asked as he shifted her eyes down to y/n who's now still looking all down to the dying plants. She nodded which made Beomgyu looked back to the plants on top of the table as he took a deep breathe before closing his eyes.

y/n's eyes widened when his hands glow as bright as the sun again, she even saw the sun rays directly hitting the plants and flowers on top of the table. The same view she was looking upon to now was the same view she saw in the hospital where she finally believed that he's the sun who stopped rising.

Things were real faster than the wind, she blinked as she saw her plants now completely back to normal and Beomgyu's hands are now starting to fade its' brightness slowly. Her eyes twinkled in bliss as she saw the plants she grew for 5 years are now the same as before. "Thank you!"

Beomgyu's eyes opened slowly as he looked down on her, smiling when he finally saw her smile, the genuine and true one after seeing her plants went back to normal. She took the pots and put it back where it was properly arranged earlier, and Beomgyu helped her.

"why are those plants important to you?" Beomgyu asked while placing the last pot on top of the hand-made shelf beside the window, walking beside y/n who's now looking at the plants across her.

"My mom was really good at growing plants and flowers... while I'm the opposite" she started speaking and smiled.

"I tried way back when I was a kid to grow plants just the way she does. But they ended up dying anyway"

Beomgyu turned to face her, and seeing her smile uncontrollably made his heart beats faster. "5 years after my parents got divorced, I was left alone. So I grew plants like this, to help me cope up from being lonely"

The bright smile on y/n's face suddenly faded slowly which made Beomgyu's expression changed. Her eyes tell how much painful it caused her for being alone all this time.

Beomgyu was quiet for a moment, probably thinking how to give response to what y/n said. Beomgyu's serious expression departed for a brief second, as a hint of a smile across his handsome face, saying, "You're not alone anymore... I'm here now"

What he said made the biggest impact to y/n knowing that it was her first time hearing it from someone. Such comforting and soothing words that are enough to make her heart crazy and felt like she's already contented. His reassuring words were enough to make her completely at ease, hearing him saying he'll stay by her side no matter what happens. However, something out of the corner of her mind suddenly popped out. Nothing is permanent. She knew one day he might leave, and she will be back to the same old her. The same old y/n who's always alone.


When The Sun Stopped Rising || Choi BeomgyuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ