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"I'm the Sun" what he said echoed in my mind, as if it was a broken plaque it keeps on repeating itself

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"I'm the Sun" what he said echoed in my mind, as if it was a broken plaque it keeps on repeating itself. He's the Sun. He proclaimed it.

The silent atmosphere that was built earlier just became more thinner and thinner. Normally, people can tell whether the person is lying or not just by looking into their eyes. But staring into his eyes, I can't tell anything. Whether he's lying or not. Whether he's just a delusionary guy who went crazy just because the sun stopped rising and he claimed that he's the sun.

I was for sure back then that he's completely strange. But I couldn't believe that he's even weirder than I thought!

"Only a fool will believe you" I uttered out nonchalantly, looking away from him as I stood up and walked near the closet beside him to find something that he can wear under those clothes because it's obviously that he's not wearing anything under that pajamas.

"But I'm really the Sun!!" he self proclaimed once again that made me heave a deep sigh of dismay and shook my head out of disappointment from this delusionary guy.

I turned my back to face him, with the same frowning eyebrows I have ever since he came here unexpectedly. I crossed my arms and asked him, "What makes you think that you're the Sun?"

He was left speechless, as far as I can notice, he's obviously thinking of a reason to get rid of the question I asked. And that makes me think even more that he's only delusionary and a crazy guy that was claiming to be the missing Sun.

"Because I'm hot"

My ears tingled as I stopped from searching further in the closet when I heard what that nonsense thing he said. I slowly turned my back against to face him, only to find out that he's now standing straight, hands on his waist confidently maintaining his cool posture and acting 'hot'

"You're hopeless" I shook my head out of disappointment as I threw a black boxer shorts at him to wear under that pajamas. Thankfully, he caught it.

"Wear that under that pajamas, and leave the house as soon as possible. I don't want any of my neighbors think that I have a boyfriend visiting my room early this morning" I explained to him once I saw him catching the boxer shorts I gave him. I even saw him struggling and looking at it with innocent in his eyes as if it was his first time seeing one.

"Don't you want me to be your boyfriend?" He asked innocently, as if he doesn't really care how much his words could affect a girl's heart if ever they heard a handsome boy asking that question to them. Thankfully, I'm not one of those girls who will easily fall in love with such playboys acting like an innocent one like him.

I looked at him straight into his eyes with a do-I-look-like-I-want-a-weirdo-boyfriend look which I think he understand so I didn't waste the time to response to his questions with spoken words.

I let him wear the boxer shorts under the pajamas. I even heard him struggling to wear it. And after a long minutes of hearing him complaining and struggling, he managed to wear it. Finally. And as soon as he's now looking like a normal human being with his normal clothes, I told him, "Go home now."

"What's a home?" He asked innocently which made my eyebrows raised confusedly. Even if I don't know if he's just fooling around or he's being serious that even a word that was learned way back in grade school isn't in his vocabulary, I, as a kind human being, explained, "A home is a shelter. Where you feel safe and comfortable. Here. This is my home"

Turning my back against him, I walked towards the door and twisted the doorknob open, signalling him to walk outside of my room.

"But I don't have a home"

My body froze, as I stopped walking even further when I heard him saying that. I turned my back to face him again, and was surprised to see him innocently looking at me with his tilted head. I was surprised to the thing he said, could it possibly be that he's homeless? But he's undeniably handsome and his skin is as white as crystal! Is he playing innocent?

"Can you be my home?" he asked with the same straight face he have, not really aware that what he just said made my heart pound in an overriding fast pace. I was left shock to what he just asked, he was asking as if I'm some kind of a shelter he's willing to live in just because he doesn't have one. The 'home' I explained to him earlier seemed to be a misunderstanding for him.

But what my eyes widened the most is when the door suddenly opened abruptly revealing a untamable Huening Kai with his worried eyes and breathing heavily trying to catch his breathe. "y/n!!! Are you ok---"

My eyes widened when he suddenly looked at the strange guy inside my room who's wearing my shirt and pajamas. And I can't even blame him if he will misunderstand everything that he's seeing right now.  And I can see, based from the look on his face. He's judging.

"I-i can explain..."


When The Sun Stopped Rising || Choi BeomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now