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"AHHHHH!!!" I covered my ears as much as I can to help lessen the noise I'm hearing coming from the loud screaming of this naked man in front of me

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"AHHHHH!!!" I covered my ears as much as I can to help lessen the noise I'm hearing coming from the loud screaming of this naked man in front of me.

thankfully, he stopped screaming for about 5 long seconds. "Dang!! Why are you screaming!? I am the one who was supposed to scream!!!" I blurted out, wanting to curse this strange man coming out from nowhere inside my room, just as much strange on why he's all naked now.

Oh wait. He's naked.

"COVER THAT DAMN THING BETWEEN YOUR THIGHS!!!" I yelled my lungs out at him as I covered my eyes, reaching for a pillow and throwing it over him for him to cover his blunt thing down there waving for temptation.

"What do you call this thing?" I heard him asked weakly, I couldn't even tell if it was me he was talking to or he was only talking to himself.

I removed my hand away from my eyes, and thankfully, he started covering the thing down there with the pillow I gave him, but I'm still uncomfortable seeing a half naked man inside my room. And to think that he wasn't really sure what's the thing attached between his thighs. Really? Is he even a human?

Oh wait--- Didn't just a strange lightning thing hit my house just a few minutes ago?!

"Move!" I pushed him away as he was blocking the way to the window. My body froze as my eyes soon widened at the sight of nothing had been ruined inside of my room, in which I don't really expected since I was more than sure that the impact of that thing hit my house was just too much that it even caused an earthquake earlier. But how come nothing is ruined inside here?

"D-did you..... came from heaven?" I asked him, looking up to the sky where the strange thing fell from.

"Are you asking if I'm an angel? Do I look like one?" I turned my back to face him, only to saw him blushing out of the corner that made my eyes squinted in confusion.

This isn't happening. This isn't something that could possible be real! I'm dreaming! Yes, I'm dreaming! From the very beginning I was only dreaming! It was impossible for the sun to stop rising, it was impossible for something to land exactly inside my room, it was impossible for me to meet a naked man unexpectedly! Yes, I'm dreaming.

I need to wake up now.

"Ouch!!" I felt the stinging pain the pinch I made to my arm caused, that it even earned a mark in return.

"Ahm, why are you pinching yourself?"  I heard the naked man asked in a very confused tone.

I slowly looked up at him, with the same shocked eyes I had ever since I came here in my room and saw him naked.

Our eyes met, as I scanned his facial features that I can say that is almost perfect.  Until I felt dizziness all over my head, that made my knees softens as I fell on the ground unconscious, I even saw the naked guy running towards me with my blurry vision before I completely collapsed asleep.


I'm dreaming. That was the first thing I think of once I found myself asleep and felt that I was laying back on my bed. I knew it, I was dreaming all this time. Indeed it was possible to see a naked man in front of me smiling widely as he can bright as the sun. My eyes soon slowly opened, as I found myself looking at the ceiling with my face straight out of confusion on why I suddenly dreamt of that thing. Aish, I can still remember the thing between the thighs fresh in my mind. And I hate it.

"Are you okay?" My body froze at the moment exactly when I heard a familiar voice coming from the side of my bed, with a worried tone clearly be heard from his voice. As I turned my head to the left side, I found out that I wasn't dreaming at all, seeing the same man I saw earlier. His thick eyebrows furrowing in confusion. But this time he wasn't naked. He have a clothing that could cover both his top and bottom. However, I soon recognized the clothes he was wearing. I freaked out.

I saw him wearing a black oversized shirt which was given by my friend, Huening Kai because he knew that I like oversized shirt more than fitted ones. And his blue pajamas... I can tell that he robbed my closet just to find something to wear. This man....

"I-is that my shirt!? And that's my pajamas! Don't tell me...." I stopped overthinking as soon as I thought of the idea that he might be also wearing my underwear.... no!

"How do you supposed to wear these things?" He asked, raising a purple floral printed underwear in his left hand and a cap AA brassiere on his right hand wondering the thing he asked which is 'how is he supposed to wear that?'

My eyes widened as soon as I saw him holding my private things that supposed to be 'private' but this guy just effortlessly searched those things inside my closet and now he's pretending as if he doesn't even know how to wear that and what those things called? Great, this guy knows how to fake his emotions and actions. Just a typical perverted bastard.

"Pervert!!!" I snatched both my clothing away from his hands and hide it behind me, protecting it as if it was a precious thing I need to take care of.

Soon I realized, if he wasn't wearing my underwear.... then what is he wearing under that pajamas?!

NO. I won't think of it that much and I won't dare ask him. It will look like I'm curious if I ask him that question so better be just quiet. At least he's now all full clothing covering his naked body earlier.

"So this is the view under the sky... no clouds kept on covering the sight of this surrounding.." I almost jolted in shocked as soon as I realized he's now standing in front of the window as he's looking upon the all darkness view outside of it.

My eyes squinted in confusion, confused to the thing he said as if it was his first time seeing this kind of view which is an odd feedback since the outside of my window is just an any ordinary view with neighbors scattering outside, and a road full of noises. It was strange how his mouth agape in amusement, as if the view upon him is some beautiful scenery.

"What.... exactly are you?" I asked out of nowhere, and even me was surprised that those words came from my mouth unexpectedly. Maybe that was only a normal reaction after experiencing a lot of weird things today.

I cleared my throat nervously when he suddenly turned his back around to face me, as I saw him wearing the same wide bright smile I saw earlier when I met him. That bright smile... it's nearly blinding me.

"I'm the Sun."


When The Sun Stopped Rising || Choi BeomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now