Dumbledores Army

Depuis le début

"Amazing job today Gin!" I said to Ginny as she left.

"Hey, Bella?" Harry said

"Yeah Potter?"

"What do you think about the Patronus charm?" He asked

"Ive tried loads but never been able to do it, what about it?" I asked

"Well I can, not to brag, but I could teach you and the rest of the students tomorrow," Harry suggested.

"That's brilliant Potter!" I said

"Tomorrow it is then!" he said, walking with me back to the common room.

As we approached the common room a loud shouting erupted. Both Harry and I turning toward an empty corridor.

"What is that noise?" Harry asked

"It sounds like the twins," I said, panic rising in my chest. Running over to the boys, Fred was pushing George and yelling.

"You know how I feel, and yet you tell me next to nothing!" He screamed

"I promised I wouldn't Fred!" He shouted back

"I trusted you to be on my side and yet you still do this! You go for her when you know how I still and have always felt." Fred said

"Fred? George?" Harry spoke up as we got closer.

"Oh thank god, please tell this moron that we are no more than friends," George said, staring me straight in the face.

"Freddie? George and I are just friends. Okay?" I said, Fred's face bright red.

"I saw the play pushing, the little whispering. Those things we used to do Arabella." Fred said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Boys, will you give us a minute?" I asked, turning to Harry and George.

"Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of them." He said

"Fine, George was helping me with a personal problem that day. One that I have since resolved. George was merely a friend whose shoulder I cried on when I needed to, no different than Potter over here, or Ang or Katie." I said

"And yet you still couldn't come to me?" He asked

"Harry, George please leave so I can explain my issue with Fred," I said once again, watching the boys leave.

"Fred please sit down with me for a moment. Just to listen." I said

"Fine," He said, still angry.

"For the last month or two Ive been having dreams. Well, more nightmares. Trelawney thinks they are visions, and the things I'm seeing are well- my worst fears playing out before my eyes." I said

"Arabella, what? What do you mean?" He asked

"They show you, being hurt, because of me. That's why we broke up, that's why I've been distant, and that's what I asked for George to help me with." I said

Amour - Fred WeasleyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant