(Tobias's POV)

They've "wined and dined" me for almost three days, I'm sure one of my older brothers is on his way to help me get out of this mess. Vargus Sorrentino  steps in chuckling,  twirling a Cuban cigar in his hand and a box of pizza rolls in the other.  This guy.  I scoff under my breath.  So far they've kept me in a grand suite at one their family hotels, feeding me expensive,  small portioned organic meals, tending to my every need,  hell they even hired a guy to take my classes for me while they have me captive!

"Pretty boy,  so uh... my dumb ass brother escaped... apparently.  So I guess you're free to go. " Vargus pops a roll into his mouth. His men made no attempt to free me from my chained chair. I raise my eyebrow.  Vargus catches this.  "You questioning me boy? " I rarely speak,  so I shake my head no. "Good,  now like I was saying before.  You can go free... if you cooperate with me.  Here's  how it'll work. I'll ask the questions,  you answer,  okay?  Great. " He then produces a napkin from his blazer pocket and wipes pizza sauce from his chin.

This isn't going anywhere,  I'm practically mute. I don't answer to them or anybody,  except my mother.  Before Vargus could begin his pointless interrogation, I heard Benedict yelling from down the hall of the suite. It seems that wherever he goes he causes a big commotion. "Where the fuck is my brother! Release my brother immediately! You got your grandpa back,  now keep your part of the deal! " I sigh, a bit annoyed by Benedict's lack of respect and composure ."Somebody shut him the fuck up! " Vargus yelled puffing smoke from his nostrils. One of his men drags Benedict into the suite master bedroom,  where I sat.  Benedict's face brightens up as he spots me in the chair.

Vargus chuckles obviously calm again,  "Are you done baby Benny? I see you tired yourself out at the front door with one of your classic uh... so as your father calls them 'hissy fits'." Vargus laughs simmering his anger,  and his men join in.  Benedict face quickly flashes with embarrassment and anger as his face turns red.

They eventually quiet down.  "We want answers and you're gonna give them  to us. I'm done bullshiting and I want to avenge my cousins death! I'm mother fucking blood thirsty goddammit,  and I'll wait no longer!" Vargus growls banging his fist across the coffee table,  cracking it down the middle.  So this is the famous side of  Vargus that corporate world ever so fears.  Pretty tough.  Benedict seemed to shrink in his new chained chair.  Vargus means business... he's serious. "Time is money and right now I could be earning millions of it, if I weren't babysitting you two. You'll give truthful, direct answers when asked or Vermin will play operation. Fair warning. " A bald heavy set man appears with a sly grin on his face as he unrolls a velcro belt of torture tools.  I sigh under my breath.  What a bullshit waste of time.

"Must you always find solutions in violence,  brother? " a voice emerges from the doorway. Why look who it is, Nikolass Sorrentino.  Nik passes by Benedict and scoffs,  Benedict replying by shooting a confused glance.  "Look,  I escaped.  Now keep your part of the deal. And why did you call me over,  I have an agenda to abide by. " Nik effortlessly looks flawless as he runs his finger through his long locks.  Benedict choked.  "No,  we took an old man.  Not Nik Sorrentino? " Nik had a expression on his face that was kind of hard to read. "I think that you are very mistaken Benny. " Nik says. Vargus eyes his younger brother with pure hatred. "Leave we will discuss the matter later. Right now I am in the middle of settling business. " Vargus spat through gritted teeth.

"Okay,  sure. " Nik shrugs.  "But you'll hear from me. " Before Benedict could respond in any way,  Vargus gets a call.  He returns.  "Change of plans,  release them both. Business has been... altered. " Vargus explains releasing a frustrated sigh.  His men unlocked my brother's chains,  then mine.  Benedict still eyed Nikolass suspiciously. "Got a good enough look,  sweetheart. " Nik grinned before blowing a kiss Benedict's way.  Nik tossed his head back and laughed. "Take 'em away,  Ricky. But you boys better not get too comfortable at home. You'll be seeing a lot of my face around,  until we meet again Mute and Benny Boy. " Vargus waved us off  dismissively,  jumping into a corporate business call. The man addressed as Ricky blindfolded my brother and I and we were thrown into some type of moving vehicle.

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