Part 2 Unordinary: Shadows

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??? POV:

ARM Soldier: Project Xhadow is complete.

Clarion: Thank you, I'll go see to him now.

I feel something. Who am I? Where am I? I don't know what's going on at all! Please someone.

Clarion walks over to the project chamber, he heads down excited for his project is complete. 1 month ago, Ember has given a report on Emerson to the ARM Space colony, tho they thought his name was Xonic so hence the project name. Clarion, a master scientist has been given a task of creating a ultimate life form. With these Ember documents, Clarion built project Xhadow based on Emerson's ability, he was able to recreate the ability based on research he did at Wellston. Clarion hopes this Ultimate Life Form could save humanity from the darkness of corrupt people. He hopes Xhadow will be a good guardian to the world. Right now as he walks down stairs, he slides his card to find Xhadow hooked up to some infusion tubes.

Clarion: Hey, Wake up.

Xhadow: WHO ARE YOU?!

Clarion: I am you're father, Clarion.

Xhadow: WHERE AM I?!

Clarion: Calm down, you have been a creation of my own, that is why you're here because you have been just been born.

Born? What does that mean?

Xhadow: Wh-who am I?

Clarion: Right now you are identified as Project Xhadow but I think it would be proper is I gave you a name, Sanderson.

Sanderson: I-I like that name.

Clarion: Good, good. Here let me unhook you and you can explore you're new home. *unlocks Sanderson*

Now you can probably tell that Clarion basically made a clone of Emerson, down to the name.

Ow those things hurt! Thank god there off. I guess I'm free now. For some reason I feel like I'm empty around my chest, something I smell makes my emptiness bigger, let's walk into this room. "Bisto" Wonder what that means.

Strange, wierd stuff that I have never seen

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Strange, wierd stuff that I have never seen. I have an urge to put in my mouth for some reason.

Sanderson starts eating heavily, not knowing how to proper eat. If you're wondering what those triangles under his eye's are, they are temporally that's all I can tell you.

Clarion: Ah, Sanderson I believe you have found our Bistro! Excellent, I want to show you my granddaughter, Amelia!

What's a granddaughter?

Sanderson slowly approaches Amelia. He waves confused at what to do. How ever a little time goes by and they become instant friends, with Amelia showing Sanderson how to act properly and what things are.

Amelia: Promise one thing for me Sanderson.

Sanderson: Sure! What is it?

Amelia: That you will give humanity a second chance!

unOrdinary: Lost Ability - A Play Script StoryWhere stories live. Discover now