Zone Emeralds

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Emerson: The Zone Emeralds.

Sera: Emerson what the hell are you talking about?

Emerson: Something I learned.

John: We better head back Sera.

Sera: Yeah, well see you guys tomorrow.

Fiore: Bye!

Fiore: So why are we still standing here?

Emerson: I have been thinking about the Zone Emeralds.

Fiore: What about them?

Emerson: Legend has it that a user of Energy Manipulation gathers all 7 Zone Emeralds, their power will increase greatly.

Fiore: That sounds awfully a lot like the Choas Emeralds.

Emerson: I know they based it off the Zone Emeralds. The Zone Emeralds have not been used for centuries but I'm hoping that the myth is not a myth.

Fiore: Yeah *yawn* I'm getting sleepy, we should head back.

Emerson: OK I'll take us back. *lifts Fiore*

Emerson: Huh you're not fighting me this time?

Fiore: I gave up trying. *yawn* besides I would rather lay here than run back home.

Emerson:.......*activates ability and runs back home in 2 seconds.*

The Next Day:

Remi POV:

I really hope that paper includes the ad of the new archaeology after-school club!

Blyke POV:

I wonder what the hell these shiny stones are.

Emerson POV:

But where can I find a zon- wait!

Emerson: THERE!

Blyke: What?

Emerson: You have a Zone Emerald!

Blyke: Good joke, besides how would you tell its a Zone Emerald? That's just a myth.

Emerson: It is because my ability arua levels are getting higher when I'm around the stone.

Remi: So the myth is true!

Emerson: I don't know fully but I DO know that thise stones exist, Where did you find that?

Blyke: Uh in my yard while I was snaking my drain.

Remi: What yard? You live in a dorm.

Blyke: My Parents yard.

Emerson: OK cool.

Blyke: You can have it if you want, I don't really have a thing for precious rocks.

Emerson: Really? Thanks!

Blyke: No problem, I assume its for getting back a Vulcan.

Emerson: You bet. With all 7 of these Vulcan would not stand a chance.

Blyke: I'll tell you if I find more.

Emerson: OK thanks, well uh I'll see you guys later I have to attend a class that I don't want to learn from. Marxists.

Remi POV:

What does Marxist mean?

Fiore POV:

I hate homework. You know what I could do is let my ability copy answers from a textbook and be done with it.

Emerson: Hey look Fiore! A Zone Emerald!

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