What is Energy Manipulation?

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Energy Manipulation, an ability currently possessed by Emerson and Fiore is a ability thought to be lost in time due to the circumstances of it occurring decreasing by the day.

What it is:
Energy Manipulation, despite the name similarities to Aura and Time Manipulation does not operate like a normal ability rather it is its own thing. Energy Manipulation resides in the soul rather than a gland in the body like other abilities. Energy Manipulation connects to the soul then outputs in the body allowing it to manipulate energy, where as a normal ability channels directly to the body. Energy Manipulation, because it resides in soul rather than body can not be disabled by a drug like a normal ability. It is the only ability known to be able to exceed the limit of a tier 10.

How its caused:
Energy Manipulation is not hereditary, it only occurs when either the family has had a long history of cripples with few or none with abilities like Emerson or when the family has a long history of the same ability and few or none with different abilities like Fiore. ( In fact the others in her family that have different abilities other than Time Manipulation are related to time like Time Travel, Time Freeze making the situation worse. )
In these circumstances the hereditary ability mutates into something else and resides in the soul transforming it to Energy Manipulation ( Familys that have abilities that have no relation to manipulate abilities like a Tentacle Ability can still produce offspring with Energy Manipulation. It can happen to any ability. ), after that Energy Manipulation associates a color and permanently makes a color streak in the weilders hair once activated for the first time.

How It works:

First when the user activates the Energy Manipulation ability, their eyes glow the associated color not their pupils like other abilities and also produces a white ring in the place of the pupil. After that the user if free to choose how to use the ability as I can literally do anything. Create Energy Balls, change one's mood, levitate objects and tons of other stuff. It works but Manipulating, Creating or destroying Physical or Mental energy and can be used for every purpose. Energy Manipulation is a overpowered abilitie and if used incorrectly can be fatal to the user though cases of people dying of it are close to zero.

Because cripples can now a days purchase artificial made abilities for a high price, cripples are occuring less and less and with interracial marriage laws now avalible families with a long line of the same or similar abilities are happing even less. That is why Energy Manipulation is thought to be lost in time. Its last recorded use was in 1915 by a user called Edrick Douglass, he was a author so the only time he used his ability was for philosophy ideas, he really underused it, in fact that his tier was a 1.4.
After that the ability was thought to be lost but know we have 2 new users who are trying take the full potential of it.

I hope this guide helps you with questions you may have about this ability if there is something you want answered about this ability, please feel free to ask! I will happily answer it for you!

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