Joker 2.0

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Emerson: Ugh, finally.

John: I have had to pee for 3 hours because Wellston's bathroom's are being renovated.

Blyke: 3 HOURS!?!

John: Yup, 3.

Emerson: You could have peed in a bush you idiot.

John: But.

Emerson: But, what? Your gay?

John: Hey!

Sera: Enough.

John: Yes ma'am.

Emerson: Uh huh.

Sera: Anyway, I just wanted to ask; is anyone being Joker again?

Fiore: Joker?

John: Uh, no. Everyone knows my ability now.

Fiore: Who the hell is Joker?

Sera: I have heard talking about Joker running rampant in the streets, brutally injuring anyone who comes near it.

John: Whoa whoa, ANYONE? I only done it so nobody would hurt you Sera, of course that backfired but even then!

Sera: Odd. He is described as having the same ability as you.

John: WHAT?!

Emerson: Maybe he has a cousin.


Sera: Sorry cuz, you see John pretended to be a cripple but late into his cripplincy he wanted to use his ability, so he wore an execution mask and started being a big pyscho bully.

John: Hey!

Sera: You know that's true.

Arlo: Hey guys, whatcha talking about?

Sera: Good timing Arlo, we were just talking about a "New" Joker that is rampant not in Wellston but in the whole town! Do you have any idea who it is?

Arlo: Not that I know of, I have heard reports of him talking down vigilantes.


Fiore: If I were to fight him, I bet I can get a better grasp at my ability!

Blyke: Hey I got a great idea! Since you and Emerson share a lot of similarities for some reason, maybe you could cosplay as Xonic and fight him and see who he is!

Sera: That is a great idea Blyke!

Emerson: I don't know....

Blyke: Don't know what? You don't want her borrowing your clothes?

Emerson: That's not it. I'm afraid if her getting hurt.

Fiore: I'll be fine! I am a Tier 7 after all!

John: So am I, so the Joker must be a 7.

Sera: It would be a fair match!

Emerson: I still don't know.

Fiore: Oh come on, I'll be fine besides if I do this maybe I can help you guys when YOU do stupid shit.

Emerson: Oh OK fine.

Arlo: Hey I have some idea where the New Joker likes to hang around, I can give you coordinates Fiore.

Arlo: Awesome!

John: One more thing, you need to fut your hair to match Emerson's.

Fiore: Oh OK!

Sera: You're OK with that?! Arnt you worried it will grow back very slowly?

unOrdinary: Lost Ability - A Play Script StoryWhere stories live. Discover now