Ember and Wellston

22 1 0


Arlo: I just had a shit ton of Coffee so I need my time here!

Blyke: HURRY UP!!!

Arlo: If you don't let me take my sweet ass time, I will kill you with a fork.


Emerson: You know you can just pee in a bush you know.

Blyke: GREAT IDEA, NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT THANKS!!! *rushes to nearest bush*

Emerson: *sigh* Arlo you have been there for an hour tho.

Arlo: Want to die to El Fork too?

Emerson: OK I'm leaving.

Government Official Base:

SS1: Ma'am we have located the targets.

Vulcan: Excellent, just a school full of high tiers waiting for their full potential. Tell Headmaster Vaughn that the authorities will do a quick inspection.

SS2: Yes ma'am.

At Wellston:


Vaughn: Wellston High, can I help you?

SS2: Mr. Vaughn, the government will like to do a quick inspection please.

Vaughn: This is a private school, what are you talking about?

SS2: To see if this complies with building regulations.

Vaughn: Ah OK, when should I expect you?

SS2: In five minutes.

Sera POV:

Hmm strange, why is there military officers hanging around here? Almost seems they are about to do to what they did to me with the others, I better warn them.

Sera: *starts to pick up phone*

Hey wait!

Emerson POV:

This is just nicez just me and Fiore. Today is gonna be a good da-

Soldier1: Hold it right there!

Emerson: Did we do something wrong?

Soldier2: You are under suspicion of a potentially dangerous ability and we need to surveillance you.

Fiore: Arnt they all?

Soldier1: Very funny, now I better not see you cause trouble.

Emerson: Jesus she did not do shit!

Soldier2: Watch it brat.

What the hell did I do to deserve surveillance, probably Ember, fucking again.

Soldier1: We will be watching every move you two make. It may not look like it but we are watching every second, even if you don't see us.

Fiore: Yeah OK, have a nice day?

Soldier1: Uh huh.

2 Hours Later:

On Phone-

Sera: Like why are they watching our every move?

Arlo: IDK, the only ones they should be worried about is Emerson and John.

Blyke: Wellston, school o' high tiers.

Emerson: I bet its Ember.

Remi: Its gotta be! Why else would they do this.

unOrdinary: Lost Ability - A Play Script StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora