Chapter 28- spontaneously

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We were runnin' onto something
And we didn't say forever but it's all we wanted
You were so in love with simple things


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another edition of celebrity shots and here on this show, we have the one and only most gorgeous and outstanding teenage celebrity as our guest today…." The host kept talking, an hour glass shaped lady with small eyes that twinkled at each sentence she spoke. One could tell that she loved her job

"Let's welcome, Miss April Waje.…" she trailed off, disrupted by the thunderous cheers erupting from the crowd holding their phones up and some with placards that read; we love you April❤

April beamed into the crowd, the massive crowd of people gathered here as her fans, it was overwhelming. Her stardom had always been overwhelming except that she thought to take a break and she was determined to.

"Hello April…" the host greeted as April sat majestically on a queen sized couch, legs crossing each other gingerly and her ever peachy smile plastered naturally on her face

"Good morning " she greeted. It sounded so beautiful,  her voice. You'd mistake her for an angel who just dropped down from heaven. Perhaps she may really be an angel

Or not


The door pushed open, revealing Toby holding his helmet under his arms. His mum sat on the couch  in the sitting room, munching a pack of snacks with her eyes fixated on the tv in front of her.

"Honey, you back?" He hummed a response, placeing a light kiss on her temples

She smiled, muting the tv to avert her attention to him

"How was chemo?" He could detect the uneasiness in her tone, looking over him with concern. He smiled, pulling her into a hug

"It was fine. I'm fine. Doctor Lewis confirmed so too" he muffled, stroking her hair gently

She sighed languidly  "for real?"

"Yeah. God's got my back " he said quietly

She nodded, rubbing her hands through his back "God got your back"

He pulled away from her after some time, with a grin that spelt assurance within him. His mum smiled too, her seemed more like she was assuring herself—He will be alright

Toby contemplated bringing up the topic of doctor Lewis and his mum, deciding finally against it. It shouldn't be his business right? Perhaps doctor Lewis and his mum were simply acquaintances. But why did he feel that deep down, they should be more than acquaintances

Yesso. Awon match maker—he imagined his subconscious snicker and he rolled his eyes at it, averting his attention to the tv which had now been un-muted

He sat up straight, seeing April onscreen, beaming at the interviewer without stress, her makeup was a nude shade of pink which complimented the short hue pink and purple weavon on her head. Her outlook exuded the personal of an affable, craze fun loving superstar. It was difficult to tell if she was the same April who scorned bitterly at Yara…and at him too

"My dream had always been to walk on runways and be a star actress... " she was saying

" but if you ask me my dream outside the life I already lived, then i'll tell you that I dream of being a clinical psychologist"

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