Chapter 19- Daydream

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What did you give me
To make my heart bleed out of my chest



April stared at the staggering individual who was suppose to be a father figure performing his fatherly duties reek of alcohol. He was standing in the interior of her pretty cool air conditioned room which had a mix of pink and white hue gracing every part of the room including the closets, walls, large mirror frame, reading table —everything

Her queen sized bed dressed in white sheets which was covered in fuzzy pink blanket was decorated with large and some small cute teddy bears which she bought most times and other times got as gifts from fans. The scent of jasmine gave the room a pleasent aura which had now been replaced with the thick irritating smell of hard liquor which had quickly dissipated the nice air into extinction causing the atmosphere seem like she was going to suffocate anytime soon due to fear and anxiety. Standing in the same room with a drunk as her father caused  fear to cripple her bones

She was always anxious because she never knew what could happen in seconds just by being with him looking dead drunk. She swallowed hard, curling her toes on her flip flops

"Mum said you needed to see me because you wanted to apologize " she spoke up trying to keep her tone devoid of  emotions

He gulped a mouthful of alcohol which he had clunged to himself,  belching out aloud in a disgusting manner which made April wince before he smiled showing off his yellow tooth

"You refused to see me" he slurred eyeing her warily. His statement sounded like a question

"I was busy. Having to work and school " she said moving away from the side of the bed were she stood to the closet

He laughed. A laughter that sounded like a cackling chicken. April winced in displeasure. Where was the woman who told her to give her 'dad' a chance stating he was sorry? How the hell did he even get inside here when she specifically made it clear to everyone who worked for her not to allow him to step a foot close to her

She had once wanted  to file a restraining order against her dad but her mother had tearfully and skillfully had her guilt-tripped on the basis of he was still her father and as a matter of fact, if the paps found out about their family, it'd ruin everything her fame considering that April was still an upcoming celebrity then.

Putting all this in consideration, April decided to compromise. She wasn't going to put up a restraining order against her father but on the condition that Mrs Waje(her mum and acting manager) would never let him come near her. Such a compromise that she wouldn't have done especially after hearing her mum trying to use the same technique  to make her feel pitiful and forgiving towards the man who was her dad but never treated her like his daughter

"Working and schooling? "The man scoffed eyeing her every move. Surely his daughter had grown some wits. Spelling out how much she thinks talking to him is a waste of time in such a sly manner

"Bravo!" He exclaimed accompanying it with a mock kind of clap  "what an intelligent way to tell me you've grown livers to screw me over since you're independent. Huh?!" He jeered

April sighed.  A long tired sigh. "Father please leave"  her tone held no inclination that she was pleading.

He curved his lips into a sardonic smile, sauntering closer into the room. "How do you live each day thinking you've gotten all you wanted after destroying my life.huh?"

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