Chapter 26- Nemesis

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I know people that'll bet on anything to stop me
I don't know if anything can stop me



Monday 12: 39pm

"It's appalling to hear that a student of this prestigious institution would engage in such absurd crime as to stealing. This doesn't speak well of this student and it beats the prestige of this school whose name is at stake due to this absurdity. Miss Yara, do you have any thing to say for yourself ?"

"I didn't steal anything" was her simple reply

She was seated in the center of the school's disciplinary committee who had a long mahogany table round the vast pristine office environment, her mum sat at the extreme of the table, watching grimly at her daughter who had her arms clenched tightly in between her school skirts.

Mrs Meyers frowned "you picked pocketed alot of things from the party, things you knew were worth a lot of money. It's stealing also, Ms Williams"

"I didn't even attend the party. I was home" she argued, keeping her tone leveled

"And how about who's in this video? Trust it isn't your ghost" Mr Brown, the head of the disciplinary committee smirked, showing her the dark vague video of someone who looked like her

She took in a deep breath, eyes peering sharply at him "Mr Brown, if i stole stuffs as you claim, then you would have seen them with me or somewhere. You don't have ample proof that I stole that asides that excuse of a video yet you sit there and judge me how you like!"

"Now you watch your tone, young lady." Another board of disciplinarian shot back with a frown.

"Witness claim to have seen you sell them off. Apparently you already had a deal with someone and it came to our notice that you do drugs, you sure would have stolen more to acquire more of those drugs " Mr Brown said accusingly

"But I didn't even attend the party!" She shot back

"But you do drugs, don't you!?" Mr brown asked, peering intently at her.

For a second, the air was intensely silent. The air condition hummed silently, sending cold shivers to run through her spine.Yara curled her toes inside her shoes, stealing a glance at her mum, it only worsened her anxiousness. Her mum was glaring hard. Was it at the thin air or the pristine walls or even her? She really had no idea

"And it also came to our notice," he continued. "That you've been to the juvenile before due to your terrible misconduct....bullying, incest..."

"Mr Brown!" A sharp tone ordered. It was the oldest member of the disciplinary committee, Mrs Tuni.

Mr Brown nodded in understanding "what I'm trying to say is that based on that there's no way it wouldn't be possible for someone like you to engage in a crime of stealing"

"Someone like her? It isn't even right to use her past mistakes to judge her. Surely everyone here do have past mistakes but that doesn't warrant anyone to judge you based on that"

"And 'everyone' who we're talking about here. Mr Zeke. " Mrs Tinu retorted, adjusting her glasses to take a full view of him

Mr Zeke. he was her biology teacher and apparently the only teacher in the school's disciplinary committee who stood by her.

"Excuse me. Everyone! "

The voice was cool. Calm and ordering. It made everyone go silent without any extra effort. Yara even stilled on her seat, fixating her attention on the feminine tone which called everyone to order. This time she wasn't stealing a glance, she was taking in the full view of the lady in beige office trousers and white silky top, a beige coat draped over her and her hair which she curled poured around her shoulders.

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